As for the wild donkey, this person's energy is mediocre, but the divine cauldron behind the wild donkey is a figure who calls the wind and rain in Nanxian District, Jiang Dong cannot underestimate it.

Thinking of this, Jiang Dong felt a little dizzy, and couldn't help sighing secretly: "Just entering the magic capital, I have faced such two powerful enemies, the road ahead is really full of thorns! Difficulties are difficult, Ease is reserved for the dead!"

"Brother Dong, do I have any other tasks?" Xu Yang asked cautiously.

Checking the keys is a long-term mission, but right now, Xu Yang has no special missions other than tracking down the Chen family and Zhang Yue. When it was time, he was thrown away by Zheng Yi.

"Go and look for Xiong Xiaotian and his group. If you find them, just deal with them immediately. Those people are always a potential threat to us!" Jiang Dong said after thinking for a while.

Jiang Dong is very cautious. After all, Xiong Xiaotian has come to this point, which is completely caused by Jiang Dong. What Jiang Dong has to do is to uproot Xiong Xiaotian before Xiong Xiaotian reacts!

"Okay!" Xu Yang responded excitedly, he finally had a new mission.

Not long after, dinner was ready at Zheng Yi's side.

The place to eat is in the large conference room on the second floor of the Oriental Bar, and there are only five people in the room, Jiang Dong, Zheng Yi, Xu Yang, Wang Laowu and A Le.

As for the food, they are all authentic Shanghai specialties, such as crab roe filled soup dumplings, Shanghai Yangchun noodles, salted water duck, fried shrimp and so on.

Several people ate and chatted, and had a few drinks by the way. The atmosphere was very lively.

Jiang Dong also took this opportunity to briefly explain the blueprint he had conceived in his mind to everyone...

Within a month, Jiangdong will not only establish a firm foothold in Nanxian District, but also establish a brand new business empire, becoming the fourth pillar enterprise in Nanxian District, and its status will far exceed those of the Triumph Group!

In addition, Jiangdong wants Zheng Yi and Xu Yang to collect more information, preferably to form their own intelligence network. It is also a month, Jiangdong wants Zheng Yi and Xu Yang to replace Shending or Sha Kun!

It has to be said that Jiangdong's blueprint is very grand and huge, and Zheng Yi and the others are both blood boiling and shocked.

From a conventional point of view, the blueprint planned by Jiangdong is simply an impossible task!

But from the perspective of Zheng Yi's fanatical admiration for Jiang Dong, they are full of confidence, because Jiang Dong seems to be born to be a miracle worker!

"You don't have to be too surprised, how to operate, just listen to my arrangement, since I have spoken out the blueprint in my heart, it will definitely be realized!" Jiang Dong held up the hand and roared to everyone Said: "Before the National Day on October 1, I will complete the drawing of the blueprint of Nanxian District. The next goal is the entire Demon City!"

"Dong Ge Niubi!"

"Brother Dong is mighty!"


Zheng Yi and the others were infected by Jiang Dong, and roared angrily.

The five of them clinked their glasses and drank the wine in one gulp!

Jiang Dong put down the wine glass, stared at Zheng Yi with piercing eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Ah Yi! I don't care who your previous enemy in Shanghai was, just stare at him. After a month, I will avenge you !"

"Brother Dong..." Zheng Yi clenched his fists tightly, and even his arms trembled.

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