Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 633: Shenhao's Scooter (Part 2)

"Okay!" Xu Yangguang didn't insist, but said to the two of them: "Even if you stay in the academy in the afternoon, you still have to have lunch together? Let's go! Datang Hot Pot Restaurant!"

"Okay!" Lu Zhuang and He Lin did not refuse this time.

In this way, a group of five people returned to the dormitory, changed into normal clothes, and then went straight to Datang Hot Pot Restaurant.

Since rejecting Xia Mumu last time, Jiang Dong has not met her at Datang Hot Pot Restaurant, and it is the same today.

The four of Xu Yangguang found a table and started ordering food. Jiang Dong also changed into his work clothes and started to get busy.

Today is Sunday, not only freshmen are on vacation, but seniors and sisters from other grades are also on vacation. As a result, Datang Hot Pot Restaurant is extremely busy, so busy that Jiangdong doesn't even have time to take a breather.

It was not until two hours later that most of the diners in the hot pot restaurant dispersed, and Tang Hao paid Jiang Dong today's salary, and Jiang Dong's working hours were officially over.

Jiang Dong changed back into his clothes, sat at the table where Xu Yangguang and the others sat, ordered a bowl of fried rice, and started gobbling it up.

"Brother Dong, why don't I open a table?" Xu Yangguang glanced at the 77.88 food that had been eaten on the table, and said with some embarrassment.

"It's okay, I'll just take a bite. For me, it's the same as anything." Jiang Dong responded vaguely while eating.

"I didn't understand it. You said that you are a majestic boss, and a bowl of fried rice is so delicious?" Xu Yangguang stared at Jiang Dong who was feasting and said doubtfully: "Also, you are not short of money. Come to be a part-time job? To experience life, it seems that you should join a big company? You pass the food here all day, what can you experience?"

Xu Yangguang's words made sense, causing Xu Mengmeng and the others to stare at Jiang Dong curiously.

To be honest, these people are full of curiosity about Jiang Dong's unusual behavior.

"It's so easy for you to see through, how can I be such a big boss?" Jiang Dong raised his head and glanced at Xu Yangguang.

"Fuck me! I'm speechless!" Xu Yangguang looked helpless, not knowing how to respond to Jiang Dong.

Soon, Jiang Dong finished his fried rice, said goodbye to Tang Hao, and everyone walked out of Datang Hot Pot Restaurant.

At the entrance of Datang Hot Pot Restaurant, everyone separated. Jiang Dong, Xu Yangguang and Xu Mengmeng got into a taxi, while He Lin and Lu Zhuang went back to the college.

"Xu Shao, you are such a rich second generation, why don't you even have a car?" Sitting in the passenger seat, Jiang Dong couldn't help teasing Xu Yangguang in the back seat.

"Be low-key." Xu Yangguang waved his hand and said pretending to beep: "The old man said that you can't drive when you go to school. After the military training is over, I invite you to go to my house and enjoy my collection of cars." .”

Before Jiang Dong could open his mouth, the chatty-looking driver immediately interjected, "The young man is a native of Shanghai, right?"

"Yes!" Xu Yangguang responded.

"We locals in Shanghai are low-key. We don't want those foreigners to brag about their wealth every day, and talk about big deals worth tens of millions, tsk tsk." The taxi driver spoke in a strong Mandarin of Shanghai, and dismissed it with disdain. She curled her lips, "Look at me, the family has been demolished and given four suites. Although it's not big, it's worth more than ten million yuan. I'm quite happy driving a taxi!"

After saying this, the driver did not forget to glance at Jiang Dong, and continued: "This young man looks like a foreigner at first glance, and he doesn't know how to keep a low profile."

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