"Uh..." Jiang Dong was speechless, the implication should be to scold him, right?

"The young man is a student of the School of Economics, right? Study hard, otherwise it will be difficult to work in our Shanghai city in the future. This is a big city, and the annual salary is not several million. You can't even marry a wife! My daughter will definitely not marry you Such a person!"

"Uh..." No matter how good-tempered Jiang Dong was, he couldn't bear it any longer. What makes him such a person? What happened to Jiangdong?

"What does the master's daughter do?" Jiang Dong couldn't help asking.

"My daughter is a nurse, and it costs 7,000 yuan a month!" the driver said proudly.

"The monthly salary is 7,000 yuan, and you want to find a man with an annual salary of several million yuan to marry?" No one lived in Jiangdong, and he smiled.

"This is the basic requirement!" The driver said calmly, "We are locals in Shanghai. We have a house, a registered permanent residence and a license plate, and my daughter has a stable job. A foreigner wants to marry my daughter, and the annual salary is less than 2 million. That’s absolutely impossible, if you can’t even afford a house, why get married?”

"Lying grass!" Jiang Dong couldn't help cursing in his heart.

This riding horse is the legendary Tianlongren, right?

Fortunately, let Jiang Dong meet today!

Xu Yangguang, who was sitting in the back seat, couldn't help covering his forehead, pretending to look out the window, even he felt a little ashamed.

Xu Mengmeng's beautiful eyes widened even more, and she stared at the taxi driver as if her eyes were wide open.

In fact, Xu Mengmeng's inner thoughts were similar to Jiang Dong's.

"Young man, you have to work hard, or you have to go back to your hometown!" The driver didn't seem to feel the abnormal atmosphere, and he was still talking to himself.

As for Jiang Dong, he was too lazy to talk to Tianlong people like the driver. Jiang Dong felt that talking to such people was a waste of brain cells.

Finally, the taxi stopped at the Auto Trade City in the southern part of Modu.

Jiang Dong scanned the Weixin QR code with his mobile phone and was paying the fare.

The driver was also idle, and even scanned Jiang Dong's cell phone out of the corner of his eye. The driver was completely dumbfounded when Jiang Dong finished paying the fare and the bank's text message reminding him of the balance change arrived...

On Longguo Bank’s short interest reminder, the series of numbers dazzled the driver’s eyes. Relying on his sensitivity to numbers, the driver confirmed in an instant that the balance displayed on the text message was nine digits before the decimal point, and it still started with 2 ...

What does this mean?

It means that there are more than 200 million cash in the Jiangdong Bank card!

"This gentleman..." The driver swallowed saliva frantically, his eyes almost popped out, and the address changed from a young man to a gentleman.

"Don't talk to me, listening to you will give me a headache!" Jiang Dong waved his hand directly, interrupting the driver, "I'm definitely incomparable to Tianlong people like you!"

After saying this, Jiang Dong got out of the car.

Xu Yangguang and Xu Mengmeng got out of the car in a daze, and quickly caught up with Jiang Dong.

"Brother Dong, what's going on? Why does the driver seem to have seen a ghost?" Xu Yangguang asked curiously.

"It should be related to the squad leader's mobile phone...scanning the code to pay...receiving text messages...it should be a reminder of the change in the balance of the bank card!" Xu Mengmeng was clever, and guessed the essence of the matter in a flash.

"What do you mean? Brother Dong's bank card balance scared the driver?" Xu Yangguang also widened his eyes, "Quick! Brother Dong! Let me see how much money is in Shenhao's bank card!"

"I don't want to show you." Jiang Dong simply rejected Xu Yangguang's proposal.

Jiang Dong is the kind of person who is really low-key!

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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