"You think I dare not hit you, don't you?" The female voice in the GTR car came out again, but this time, it seemed a little annoyed.

"Then give it a try!" Xu Yangguang did not show any weakness, and even had a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "If you dare to bump into me, I will dare you not to leave the capital!"

Maybe it was infected by Jiangdong, all in all, this was the first time Xu Yangguang was so domineering.

Xu Mengmeng couldn't help but look at Xu Yangguang a few more times.

On the other side, the woman in the GTR also got angry, and started to hit the accelerator in the neutral position. The sound of the roaring engine of the GTR was like a demonstration, resounding through the sky!

There was such a commotion outside, and the people inside naturally knew about it.

Immediately, a middle-aged man with a big belly rushed out of the small independent building, leading more than a dozen security guards.

"Excuse me, who is Mr. Jiang Dongjiang?" The middle-aged man with a big belly came to Jiang Dong, his eyes kept wandering around Jiang Dong and Xu Yangguang, and asked cautiously.

"I am." Jiang Dong said lightly.

"Welcome Mr. Jiang to Vacheron Constantin's flagship store!" The middle-aged man immediately said to Jiang Dong respectfully: "I am Qian Yi, the manager here, Mr. Jiang, both of you, please come inside!"

"Sunshine, let's go." Jiang Dong ignored the female car owner driving the GTR, waved to Xu Yangguang without looking back, and followed Qian Yi towards the small single building.

"You're lucky, my young master bought a watch with Brother Dong today, and I don't have the same knowledge as you." Xu Yangguang glanced at the female car owner who was hiding her head and showing her tail, and followed Jiang Dong directly with Xu Mengmeng.

"Hmph!" The female owner of the GTR snorted coldly, then opened the door and walked out, "Accompany someone else to buy a watch? How dare you yell at me with this ability? Do you know who you are?"

The female car owner is tall and hot, wearing a valuable luxury brand, with a shawl and black hair hanging down like a waterfall, and a pair of sunglasses on her standard melon-seeded face, which looks particularly mysterious.

Xu Yangguang couldn't help but wanted to fight back, but was tugged by Xu Mengmeng, "Why are you angry with a woman?"

"That's right!" Receiving Xu Mengmeng's comfort, Xu Yangguang immediately smiled.

"Small shrimp pretending to be a big whale, what is it?" Seeing Xu Yangguang's confession, the beauty in sunglasses sneered disdainfully, and then stepped forward, walking towards the open iron door of Vacheron Constantin's flagship store.

"I stepped on a horse..." Xu Yangguang was very angry.

Jiang Dong waved his hand suddenly at this time, and said to Xu Yangguang without looking back: "There are some things that we don't need to do by ourselves."

"Huh?" Xu Yangguang was stunned for a moment, he didn't understand Jiang Dong's meaning.

However, Qian Yi, who is good at observing words and expressions, understood instantly.

Immediately, Qian Yi turned around and walked directly towards the beauty in sunglasses. Just as the beauty in sunglasses was about to step into the small manor, Qian Yi stopped him.

"Get out of the way!" The voice of the beauty in sunglasses was very displeased.

"Ma'am, are you a member of Vacheron Constantin?" Qian Yi had a stiff and professional smile on his face.

"No!" The beauty in sunglasses said sullenly, "What? Am I not a member of yours, so I can't go in yet?"

"I'm sorry, ma'am, the flagship store of Vacheron Constantin is only open to members." Qian Yi's simple words shattered the strong atmosphere created by the beauties in sunglasses.

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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