"You mean, I'm not qualified to walk through this door?" The voice of the beauty in sunglasses was extremely cold, and it seemed that she was on the verge of erupting.

"Ma'am, it's not a matter of eligibility or disqualification. I just act according to the rules." Qian Yi said very formally: "Our rule is that non-members cannot enter the flagship store in Shanghai."

What Qian Yi said is true. Non-members are indeed unable to enter the Vacheron Constantin flagship store in Shanghai. Not only Vacheron Constantin, but also Patek Philippe's flagship stores in Shanghai and Longjing.

To put it simply, this strange rule is made for the real Shenhao, because capitalists are afraid of disturbing the interest of top consumers, which will lead to a decline in sales.

And Qian Yi is indeed a little clever, but his vision is not long-term. What if there is a backer who is more terrifying than Jiang Dong behind the beauty in sunglasses?

That Qian Yi is simply lifting a rock to shoot himself in the foot!

However, people like Qian Yi actually represent the psychology of most ordinary people.

In this kind of people's mind, it's good for a Niubi character to fart.

In Qian Yi's eyes, Jiang Dong was like this!

"What about them? Don't tell me, they are members of Vacheron Constantin?" the beauty in sunglasses shouted angrily.

To be honest, she really didn't believe that these young people were members here. Most importantly, the beauty in sunglasses saw them get off a taxi with her own eyes!

Will members of Vacheron Constantin come by taxi?

Obviously, the chances of this are extremely small!

Unfortunately, with a very small chance, she met her.

"Of course!" Qian Yi said arrogantly: "Mr. Jiang is about to become a diamond member of our Vacheron Constantin. Only when the monthly consumption reaches 10 million dragon coins can he become our diamond member."

"He..." The beauty in sunglasses froze all over.

She couldn't believe that Jiang Dong, who was nothing special at all, and even the young man in Louis Vuitton that she regarded as super A, was about to become a diamond member of Vacheron Constantin!

That's a real boss who spends more than 10 million in a single month!

"I..." The beauty in sunglasses took a deep breath, and her arrogant tone softened instantly. Even when facing Qian Yi, she was no longer as arrogant as before, "I'm a big star!"

"Big star?" Qian Yi frowned, and carefully looked at the face under the sunglasses, but he couldn't see anything yet.

"Quyiyi, have you heard of it? It's me!" The beauty took off her sunglasses, revealing her regular internet celebrity face, "Have you watched the recently hit web drama "The Fox Down the Mountain"? I'm the number one female !"

"What's going down the mountain?" Qian Yi was at a loss, he had never heard of this drama, let alone a big star called Quyi.

"Online drama! It's something made at a low cost, the kind of movie that can only be played on a certain video website!" Xu Yangguang found a breakthrough, and immediately sneered, "A young actor in the 18th line dares to call himself a big movie!" Celebrities? Are all actors so arrogant now?"

"Have you heard of her?" Xu Mengmeng looked at Xu Yangguang curiously.

"I've never heard of it!" Xu Yangguang shrugged, and said wittily: "It's because none of us have heard of it, so I can be sure that she is a young actress in the 18th line. Hengjiang Film and Television City caught her." A big handful of that."

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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