Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 677: Justice Will Be Late, But It Will Not Be Absent (Part 2)

"And the reason is because that Quyiyi slept with Wei Qiang, but I didn't!"

"What an ironic reality?"

"If the character is rejected, he will be rejected. At worst, I will start over from the beginning and continue to play tricks, but that Wei Qiang, he..."

"He asked me out last night in the name of choosing a new role for the company, and then, right here, he took day and one night, Wei Qiang didn't leave here until an hour ago."

Speaking of this, Zhang Ting burst into tears, and opened her sleeves and trouser legs. On her fair skin, there were shocking marks of whipping!

"Wei Qiang? Quyiyi?" Jiang Dong couldn't help being stunned.

The world is big and the world is small.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Ting, who was rescued by Jiang Dong by accident, was actually forced by Wei to commit suicide!

As for what happened that day and night, let's make up for ourselves!

"Wei Qiang is such a scumbag! He threatened me that if I dare to call the police, he will kill my whole family! I dare not call the police, but I can't get past the psychological barrier. In the end, I can only choose this way!" Zhang Ting hid her face She cried bitterly, and it was obvious that she was very desperate.

Jiang Dong didn't speak, but quietly leaned against the window wall and looked at Zhang Ting.

When Zhang Ting had cried enough and her mood improved a little, Jiang Dong asked, "Then you said just now that you will not commit suicide, so you don't mean to seek revenge from Wei Qiang?"

"Yes! I'm going to kill him!" Zhang Ting's pretty face suddenly became ferocious.

Jiang Dong: "If you kill him, you will touch the bottom line of the law."

"Since no one can punish Wei Qiang, that's all I can do." Zhang Ting smiled miserably, and her smile was full of despair.

"As I said, justice will be late, but it will never be absent." Jiang Dong narrowed his eyes, "Even if you kill Wei Qiang, have you thought about the consequences? You will definitely eat peanuts, and your family will also eat peanuts." It will definitely not end well, you should understand the energy of Wei's entertainment better than me, don't you?"

When Jiang Dong said this, Zhang Ting's idea of ​​wanting to change the limit for one instantly collapsed.

She can die, but Wei Qiang may not be killed by her!

Regardless of whether Wei Qiang is alive or dead, Zhang Ting's family is in bad luck, because Wei's entertainment group is as dark as Jiang Dong said.

"What should I do? Woohoo!" Zhang Ting slumped on the ground with her arms around her knees, crying with a low headache, sobbing in despair and helplessness: "Can rich people do whatever they want? We Should these people at the bottom of society be bullied by them?"

"Whether rich people can do whatever they want, I don't know, I still say that justice will be late, but it will never be absent!" Jiang Dong walked up to Zhang Ting, patted her trembling shoulders lightly, "Live well, Even if it's for your family, understand?"

"Thank you! I will live! For my family!" Zhang Ting raised her head, looked at Jiang Dong's smiling face full of sunshine, and nodded heavily.

Jiang Dong's words made her worry about life.

It's worrying, not hope!

She is concerned about her family, she can't die now!

For a desperate person, death is easy, but what about after death?

For today's society, death is not terrible, the truly terrible thing is to live!

It's really ironic.

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