"By the way!" Jiang Dong smiled mysteriously at Zhang Ting, "You can pay attention to the news these days, maybe you won't want to die anymore?"

"Follow the news?" Zhang Ting looked at Jiang Dong with question marks all over her head.

Jiang Dong didn't say much, waved his hand casually, and walked out of the room on his own.

When Jiang Dong walked out of the room, Lin Su and Yi Tong, who had been waiting outside the room for a long time, were bumped head-on by Jiang Dong.

Jiang Dong looked at the second daughter suspiciously, but before Jiang Dong could speak, Lin Su, the hot-tempered young lady, spoke first.

"Jiangdong! I'm Lin Su, a freshman in the Art Department of the School of Economics, can I add your prestige code?" Lin Su looked at Jiangdong expectantly.

"Don't you think that this place and this scene are very inconsistent with what you just said?" Jiang Dong frowned and looked at Lin Su.

Zhang Ting in the room had just ignited concern for her life, and then Lin Su came out like this, to stimulate Zhang Ting, or to tell Zhang Ting that the conversation between her and Jiang Dong just now was overheard?

After speaking, Jiang Dong glared at Lin Su, and walked downstairs quickly.

To be honest, Jiang Dong's impression of Lin Su was extremely bad.

Lin Su was a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, but fortunately, Yitong reacted quickly enough and dragged Lin Su away from the scene quickly.

Outside the Crystal Hotel.

Jiang Dong walked quickly towards the outside of the pedestrian street without looking back, while Lin Su who was chasing up from behind shouted.

"Hey! Jiangdong! Wait for me!" Lin Su shouted towards Jiangdong.

Jiang Dong stopped, turned around and looked at Lin Su indifferently, "What's the matter?"

"I haven't added your prestige yet!" Lin Su stood in front of Jiang Dong panting, more or less tempered.

After all, she is a rich young lady.

After all, she was slapped by Jiang Dong just now.

After all, she didn't feel that something was wrong.

"Why should I ask you to add prestige? Are we familiar?" Jiang Dong really didn't give Lin Su any face, and Lin Su stomped his feet angrily.

"You..." Lin Su pointed at Jiang Dong with an ugly expression on his face.

Lin Su's impression of Jiang Dong was greatly changed because of Jiang Dong's brave actions to rescue those who jumped off the building before, but at this moment, Lin Su felt very humiliated. Naturally, the good impression Jiang Dong left on her completely collapsed.

"Don't follow me anymore." Jiang Dong gave Lin Su a cold look, turned around and walked out of the commercial street.

Lin Su didn't go after Jiang Dong this time, because the fickle young lady no longer wants to add to his prestige!

"Who is it? Talking to me like that? What's wrong with me? Is he sick?" Lin Su angrily cursed at Jiang Dong's back.

"Su Su." Yi Tong said very pertinently: "It is true that we were wrong just now. We shouldn't eavesdrop on other people's conversations, and we shouldn't ask for Jiang Dong's prestige on such occasions. Doing so will easily irritate the person who jumped off the building. Zhang Ting."

"Hmph!" Lin Su retorted stiffly, "Tongtong! What are you talking about? What's wrong with us?"

"There is no distinction between high and low among people. Even if you are the princess of the Lin family, if you make a mistake, you must admit it." Yi Tong looked at Lin Su with a straight face.

"Okay! I admit that I was wrong!" Lin Su couldn't hold back Yi Tong, so he could only raise his hands to express his admiration, and then continued to speak stiffly: "But that Jiangdong is too much, too disrespectful to me, I decided that I don't want his prestige anymore, and I won't talk to him anymore!"

Yi Tong didn't speak, but took a deep look in the direction Jiang Dong left.

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