This press conference has two meanings.

First, he highly affirmed Dongfang Entertainment from the bottom of his heart.

Second, use the yin and yang contract incident of Oriental Entertainment to beat all entertainment companies and artists with ghosts in Longguo.

The above two points caused the government to take this matter seriously and expand its influence as much as possible!

After Jiang Dong let Xia Xue expose Du Li's yin and yang contract, in less than an hour, the entire entertainment industry was blown up!

Dongfang Entertainment was directly pushed to the forefront. However, the reports about Dongfang Entertainment were all positive and positive. It was equivalent to Dongfang Entertainment spending 50 million yuan to get a tepid starlet in exchange for Here comes a reputation that is hard to come by!

Of course, this is an operation that can be seen on the surface, and the operation that is really hidden in the dark has not yet appeared!

At 10:20, Jiang Dong took out the document rewarded by the system from the virtual package, took a few photos with his mobile phone, and sent them directly to Xia Xue.

"Give these things to the relevant departments, and make sure the relevant departments keep them secret, which is equivalent to our anonymous reporting!" Jiang Dong sent Xia Xue a text message.

A few minutes later, Xia Xue, who had finished looking at the photos, replied with a series of question marks from Jiangdong. Obviously, Xia Xue was shocked by Jiangdong's sudden bombshell.

"Is this going to put Wei's Entertainment Group on fire?" Xia Xue sent a text message.

"Why roast them? I have other plans! Let's do it!" Jiang Dong sent out his prestige, then threw his phone aside, and looked at the dark ceiling with a smile on his face.

Time passed by every minute and every second. This night, Nanxian District is destined to be peaceful, and even the entire entertainment circle of Longguo has become turbulent!

Near midnight, at 11:40, the tax department entered Wei's Entertainment Group overnight.

Just ten minutes later, your actress Fang Nuan under Wei's Entertainment was taken away for investigation.

At 11:55, the pre-prepared press conference started immediately, and the Yin-Yang contract of Wei's Entertainment Group was announced to the world through the media!

After this combination of punches, Wei's Entertainment Group was completely stunned. Wei Ding held an emergency meeting overnight. More than a hundred people participated in the meeting. It lasted for more than two hours before the meeting was considered over.

At 2:30 in the morning, Wei's Entertainment Group held a press conference, and randomly threw out a manager to blame him, and completely drew a line with Fang Nuan, and at the same time publicly stated that he was willing to bear the punishment.

The public relations of Wei's Entertainment Group was very successful. At least it established a character set of a good old man who was deceived by artists and internal employees. While making Wei's Entertainment Group itself a victim, he also admitted his mistake with a good attitude. Claiming to accept any punishment.

The public favorability must have won back a lot, but it belongs to the kind that smashes the front teeth and swallows it in the stomach...

With the end of the press conference of Wei's Entertainment Group, the incident has temporarily come to an end, but it is only "temporarily"...

In the early morning of the next day, several people from Jiangdong went to the cafeteria to have breakfast, and then came to the classroom to prepare for class.

In class, all the students in Class 1 of Mine Management were discussing the big incident that broke out last night, only Xu Yangguang, who even omitted talking about love with Xu Mengmeng, just looked at Jiangdong with a resentful face.

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