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Chapter 809 Praying Mantis Catch Cicadas, The Oriole Follows Behind (Part 1)

"Why do you keep looking at me?" Jiang Dong felt a little terrified when Xu Yangguang looked at him.

"I want to know the whole process!" Xu Yangguang said resentfully.

Jiang Dong: "It's not over yet, how can I tell you?"

"Lying grass!" Xu Yangguang couldn't help exclaiming, "The matter is so big, it's not over yet?"

"Look..." Jiang Dong casually took out his mobile phone, and the screen displayed a news page with even more exaggerated titles, shaking the entertainment world!

The content is also very simple and crude. The bigwigs in the entertainment industry, as well as many popular stars, have launched a wave of cancellations. According to incomplete statistics, more than 30 shell entertainment companies have been canceled after the relevant departments only work for half an hour. A super star, such as so-and-so and so-and-so...

"That's okay too?" Xu Yangguang's eyes widened, and he looked at the content of the news with disbelief.

"Why not? These shell companies are actually used by these stars to evade taxes. The two bombs of Oriental Entertainment and Wei's Entertainment have completely awakened them. If they don't cancel now, they are waiting to be invited by the tax department. Do you want to drink tea in the past?" Jiang Dong said with a smile: "I have to say that the taxation department of our Dragon Kingdom is very vigorous and resolute, and it is iron-blooded!"

After Jiang Dong finished speaking, he turned to his phone again, and suddenly came up with the latest news that Wei's Entertainment Group was fined five times the maximum amount, totaling 175 million!

"Guangyang, do you think Wei Ding will hurt?" Jiang Dong asked Xu Yangguang with a smile.

"For sure! It's almost 200 million! Wei Ding's game is not about cash flow, maybe the capital chain will be broken!" Xu Yangguang analyzed it with experience.

"That's good..." The smile on the corner of Jiang Dong's mouth became more and more intense, almost uncontrollable, "The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind. This matter is not over yet!"

"Brother Dong, what are you talking about?" Xu Yangguang couldn't hear Jiang Dong's words clearly, so he couldn't help asking again.

The Jiangdong in front of him had already brought too many surprises and surprises to Xu Yangguang. Xu Yangguang was not only full of curiosity about Jiangdong, but also admired him.

Anyway, Xu Yangguang has determined that Jiang Dong was responsible for this incident.

As for how Jiangdong had evidence of tax evasion by Wei's Entertainment Group, Xu Yangguang didn't know. He just attributed it to the mysterious power behind Jiangdong...

In fact, Xu Yangguang is right to think so. Isn't the mysterious power behind Jiangdong the system?

"I didn't say anything!" Jiang Dong shrugged, spread his hands and said: "Just wait and see the good show, this matter is endless!"

Xu Yangguang was as uncomfortable as ten thousand ants devouring his heart, but no matter how he asked, Jiang Dong would not say anything, so Xu Yangguang had no choice but to investigate by himself, or wait to read the news.

"It's time to tear up and force the fight!" Xu Mengmeng approached excitedly, held up her mobile phone and said to Jiang Dong and Xu Yangguang, "Wei's Entertainment Group has sued Fang Nuan, and they are going to claim a fine!"

"I saw it too! Fang Nuan probably doesn't have that much money, and he might face prison..." Before Xu Yangguang finished speaking, a piece of news popped up, "The relevant department ruled that 175,000 Wan is paid by Fang Nuan and Wei's Entertainment jointly, and the two parties get 50/50, as long as the tax is paid, Fang Nuan will not have to go to jail!"

"Close to 90 million, a star of Fang Nuan's level should not be able to spend so much money!" Xu Mengmeng seemed to know the entertainment industry and this group of stars very well.

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