Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 810 Praying Mantis Catch Cicadas, The Oriole Follows Behind (Part 2)

"Fang Nuan was ordered to be banned by Radio and Television! Now she is finished!" Xu Yangguang whispered again, "Can't pay so much fine, and was banned, Fang Nuan is completely cold!"

"It deserves it!" Xu Mengmeng said bitterly, then turned up her phone and said leisurely: "There are so many melons today, I will eat slowly."

After hearing the conversation between Xu Mengmeng and Xu Yangguang, Jiang Dong couldn't help laughing secretly.

That Fang Nuan, is there really only so much material?

Obviously, this is impossible!

Long after Jiang Dong got Fang Nuan's yin and yang contract, he simply investigated this star, and there is definitely more than that hidden in her body!

Wei Ding thought he was very smart?

Want to plot against Jiangdong?

After the incident, crisis public relations were quickly launched. Did Wei Ding think that this was enough?

Obviously, it's impossible.

Even Wei Ding still doesn't know who betrayed the company and exposed Fang Nuan's information!

There is also the matter of the Yin-Yang contract, do you really think it will be over with a fine?

No no no, it's still early!

A class ended in the eating of melons in the first class of mine management.

After class at noon, Jiang Dong didn't even have a meal with Xu Yangguang and the others, and didn't even go to the Datang hot pot restaurant where he worked, and drove directly to the Nanqiao business district.

Anyway, Jiang Dong got a salary of 40 yuan yesterday, and it is no problem to deal with one more day of registration today. Right now, he needs to catch the mantis and cicada in one go!

Soon, Jiang Dong drove to the Nanqiao business district, the twelfth floor of the financial building where the Dongfang Group is located.

As soon as he entered the Dongfang Group, Jiang Dong was shocked by the bustling scene in front of him.

how to say?

The whole group is busy!

It was obviously lunch time, but no one was in the mood to eat.

This is really true, with a word from the leader, the little soldier broke his leg!

"Little Shenhao! You're here!" Leng Xin wandered around the group with nothing to do. When she saw Jiang Dong, she immediately jumped over and greeted Jiang Dong enthusiastically.

"Everyone is busy, why are you so idle?" Jiang Dong looked Leng Xin up and down.

"My task has been completed!" Leng Xin said to Jiang Dong proudly, with a bit of credit, "I have inquired about Fang Nuan's situation, what else do I need to do?"

"Okay, let me remember your first achievement first, and I will praise you as a gold broker." Jiang Dong said while walking towards the depths of the group, "Is President Xia in the office?"

"Busy with Tingting!" Leng Xin followed Jiang Dong and walked towards Xia Xue's office.

Pushing open the door, Jiang Dong and Leng Xin walked in one after the other.

As Leng Xin said, Xia Xue and Zhang Ting were really busy. The documents in their hands were piled up half a meter high, which was scary to watch.

Seeing Jiang Dong coming, Xia Xue and Zhang Ting also put down their work one after another, got up and greeted Jiang Dong.

"Are you so busy?" Jiang Dong sat on the sofa and asked Xia Xue in surprise.

"Of course!" Xia Xue rarely showed the posture of a little woman, and gave Jiang Dong a blank look, "After the Du Li incident, the number of companies and artists who came to us for cooperation suddenly increased. Tingting is in charge of screening, and I am also busy Handle the matter of cooperating with Wei's Entertainment Group to develop the second part of "Dragon Teeth"..."

After Xia Xue finished speaking, she paused, and asked again: "I still haven't figured it out, why should we develop together with Wei's Entertainment? Isn't it okay for us to develop it ourselves?"

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