While Jiang Dong and Xia Xue were chatting, Zhang Ting walked back to the office.

Zhang Ting's complexion didn't look very good, no need to guess, it must be that the plan to ask for money was blocked.

"What's going on?" Jiang Dong asked calmly.

"The project leader of Wei's Entertainment Group said that he needs to ask Wei Ding for instructions. In fact, he is prevaricating us and doesn't want to pay for it!" Zhang Ting said a little depressed.

"Don't want to pay? It's easy!" Jiang Dongyin sneered, "I remember that the contract I signed with Wei Ding stated that we have the dominant position. If they don't pay, we have the right to terminate the contract. If you make another call, just say what I said."

In fact, even Jiang Dong himself didn't understand why Wei Ding came up with such a clause?

Afraid that Jiang Dong would go back on his word and temporarily refuse to sign the contract?

It seems that Wei Ding is really unscrupulous in wanting to cooperate with Dongfang Group to develop the big theater line of "Dragon Tooth"!

Still the same sentence, if things go wrong, there must be demons, Wei Ding, there must be no good intentions!

"Okay! I'll go right away!" After hearing Jiang Dong's words, Zhang Ting couldn't help but her eyes lit up, and she hurried out of the office.

"The current situation of Wei's Entertainment Group is very bad. Are you sure they will invest money?" After Zhang Ting left, Xia Xue asked Jiang Dong hesitantly, "I don't think they can afford any more money!"

"If you can't get the money, then find a way to make money..." Jiang Dong smiled mysteriously.

Signing a cooperation contract with Wei Ding is of course to complete system tasks, but the subsequent series of coquettish operations are a big game of chess...

Take the initiative to report the tax evasion of artists under your company, and take the initiative to demand and bear the maximum fine, and then use the loophole card to obtain evidence of Wei’s Entertainment Group’s violations, and anonymously report Wei’s Entertainment Group, forcing Wei’s Entertainment to also be paid the maximum amount The ticket for the fine, and after that, the reminder to Wei's Entertainment...

All of this is a carefully arranged bureau by Jiangdong, all for this purpose, to make money!

Jiangdong wants to make money, definitely not.

Jiang Dong wants Wei Ding to make money!

Isn't Wei Ding eager to develop "Dragon Tooth" with Dongfang Group?

Then go make money!

As for how to make money, hehe, of course it is eating away the industry of the same industry and eating up the funds of the partners!

Cannibalize whose?

Whose to eat?

Is there even a question?

It must be the person behind the scenes who anonymously reported Fang Nuan's tax evasion and pushed Wei's Entertainment Group into a pit of fire!

Not long after, Zhang Ting returned to the office. This time, Zhang Ting was smiling, which was in complete contrast to the previous expression.

"Successful?" Jiang Dong asked with a smile.

"En!" Zhang Ting nodded heavily, and waved her pink fist excitedly, "I repeated Mr. Jiang's words, and the attitude of the person in charge over there immediately changed. When I was in Wei's Entertainment before, The person in charge wanted to trample me down to the ground, but his attitude just now seemed to be kneeling down to beg me, so happy!"

"That's good!" Jiang Dong smiled and waved his hands, "People are iron, food is steel, how can we work without eating? Let's eat first!"

Xia Xue's three daughters seemed to be in a better mood, and they started talking about lunch.

Of course, it is definitely impossible to go out to eat. There is still a lot of work to do, so I must not be able to leave, so I simply asked the cafeteria to open a small stove, made a few home-cooked dishes, and the four of Jiangdong ate in the president's office.

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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