There was a lot of talking and laughing during the lunch, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

After lunch was over, Wei's Entertainment also sent back news to Zhang Ting that the initial funds for the filming had been deposited into the corporate account of Dongfang Group.

After checking, Xia Xue found out that 80 million had been credited to the account. Although it was a matter of signing in for Jiang Dong, it was a huge sum of money for Wei's Entertainment Group!

"Wei's Entertainment, could it be that the money from the fine was embezzled first?" Xia Xue looked at Jiang Dong in surprise.

"What do you care what they use the money for? Anyway, the money is in our account, it's enough!" Jiang Dong stood up, moved his body a little, and then looked at Xia Xue with a half-smile, "Do you want to pay in the shortest possible time?" Make Oriental Entertainment stronger and bigger within a short period of time?"

"Of course!" Xia Xue said almost without thinking.

"Then take advantage of this shareholder's style and spread the word about Dongfang Group..." Jiang Dong said meaningfully: "Weibo, do you want to play?"

"Not playing." Xia Xue shook her head, then pointed to Leng Xin and Zhang Ting, "However, they are playing."

"Xiao Shenhao, what's wrong with Weibo?" Leng Xin asked curiously.

"Does Mr. Jiang want to advertise on Weibo?" Zhang Ting said thoughtfully: "Weibo is definitely a top-ranking app, and with the current word-of-mouth of our Dongfang Group, we will definitely be able to advertise for free!"

"So that's it!" After listening to Leng Xin and Zhang Ting's introduction, Xia Xue probably had a certain degree of understanding in her heart.

"Advertisement?" Jiang Dong raised half of his mouth, and said with a meaningful smile: "I don't want to advertise, what I want is popularity, controversy, and it would be best to attract a group of keyboard warriors to criticize us!"

"This..." Xia Xue and the three girls looked at each other in blank dismay, the three of them couldn't figure out Jiangdong's unconstrained routine at all.

I have seen people picking up money, but I have never seen people picking up scolding.

Who didn't hide from the group of gods to block and kill gods, and Buddhas to block and punish Buddhas' keyboard warriors?

On the contrary, it was Jiang Dong who went against the current and actively demanded the keyboard warriors Black Dongfang Group?

This is no longer an unconventional way, but it is clear that something is going to happen!

"Do as I say, Dongfang Group will definitely rise in a short time!" Jiang Dong said confidently: "What does the entertainment industry rely on? Isn't it just slobber? Whoever is popular will be popular, regardless of being scolded or sought after ,it's the same!"

"Then...try?" Xia Xue's tone was a little weak.

Xia Xue actually had no idea, but didn't Jiang Dong create a miracle that time? In Xia Xue's subconscious mind, she is still willing to trust Jiang Dong and go for a fight!

"Then I'll register for Dongfang Group's official Weibo account!" Seeing that Jiang Dong had made up his mind and Xia Xue wanted to try again, Zhang Ting volunteered to register for Dongfang Group's official Weibo account.

In just a few minutes, the account number is registered, and the rest is waiting for Weibo company to review.

Maybe it's because the Dongfang Group is so popular these days, in just half an hour, Weibo company has completed all the certifications, and the account of the enterprise big V has completed the registration...

"When did the Weibo company's review speed become so fast? It took me a long time to certify an orange V! We are now registering a big corporate V! Passed so quickly? It's too much, isn't it? ?” Leng Xin complained in dissatisfaction.

"There's no way. There has been such a big commotion between Dongfang Insurance and Dongfang Entertainment recently. Weibo Company must know that Weibo Company will definitely help us complete it in the shortest possible time for a group like ours that is itself a hot and traffic group. It's normal to register." Jiang Dong said disapprovingly.

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