"Mr. Jiang is right, we can bring traffic to Weibo, and they have no reason not to prioritize our application." Zhang Ting started to operate Weibo while speaking, "Mr. Jiang, everything is ready, next What should I do?"

"You just use your official account to post a lottery information. First draw 1 million, and the number of winners is ten people, which is used to attract traffic." Jiang Dong had planned everything a long time ago, and the explanation was natural, "After the lottery is released, post A Weibo, the content will be posted according to what I said..."

"Strongly condemn those entertainers who have no bottom line in the entertainment industry!"

"The group declares that, first, all artists under the Dongfang Group, if they discover the Yin-Yang contract, they will immediately pay a fine of 5 times the maximum amount!"

"Second, the group will never hire top stars with inflated salaries, and resolutely resist those so-called top stars who corrupt the entertainment industry, such as numbers and cutouts."

"Just send it like this, send it now!" Jiang Dong gave the order.

However, whether it is Xia Xue, Leng Xin or Zhang Ting, they all stared at Jiang Dong with dumbstruck eyes, as if they were looking at a monster...

"What are you looking at? Is there a flower on my face?" Jiang Dong asked the three girls with a half-smile.

"No..." Xia Xue took a deep breath, the shock that Jiang Dong brought to her had reached an unbearable level, "Do you know what this official Weibo means after it is sent out?"

"What does it represent?" Jiang Dong asked disapprovingly.

"Representative, from this moment on, our Dongfang Group will start a war with the top players in the entire entertainment industry!" Leng Xin also put away her usual hippie smile, and looked at Jiangdong with horror in her eyes.

"It's not just the top class..." Zhang Ting was frightened and said a little awkwardly, "In the current entertainment industry, the salary is generally inflated, and it feels like picking up money. Once our Weibo is sent out, then It's like declaring war on 90% of the artists!"

"90%?" Jiang Dong curled his lips, not taking the three girls' words seriously at all, "My original intention was to declare war on the entire entertainment industry, but it seems the effect is not good enough?"

"..." The three Xia Xue girls looked at each other in blank dismay, because they didn't know what to say anymore.

Are there really such arrogant people in the world?


Don't look at Jiang Dong who always keeps a low profile, but when it's time to be arrogant, he is simply not a person!

"Send it!" Jiang Dong urged Zhang Ting.

Zhang Ting had no choice but to write this Weibo according to Jiang Dong's statement. During the whole process of typing, Zhang Ting's hands were always trembling...

Finally, the first message from Dongfang Group's official Weibo was released, and the effect completely exceeded everyone's expectations...

The first few minutes were fine, and no big waves were caused, but ten minutes later, Weibo Company found out about the Dongfang Group's message and put it on the top, plus the gimmick blessing of the 1 million cash prize draw, it's not popular It's all difficult!

In an instant, the entire network was completely blown up!

Dongfang Group's official Weibo suddenly flooded with countless traffic, and the cards' servers all have such a small pump!

In just half an hour, this Weibo of Dongfang Group was reposted 100,000+ times, with a million+ comments, and several times more views than tens of millions!

The first Weibo post on a new account has caused such a big shock, this achievement is absolutely unprecedented in the Weibo world, and there will be no success in the future!

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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