However, these superficial data are like floating clouds to Jiang Dong, what really interests him is the comments...

Jiang Dong sat on the sofa, held up his mobile phone with great interest, and swiped Weibo.

"Hold the grass! When did such an entertainment company full of positive energy emerge?"

"Publicly challenge the entire entertainment industry! My three views have been completely refreshed!"

"The atmosphere in the entertainment industry is too bad! Indeed, there should be such a big boss to stand up and uphold justice, and punish those stars!"

"It's a star, it's just a group of actors, in ancient times, they were among the lowest ranks!"

"The sorrow of the times! No one asks about the general's grave, and the actor forces the world to know!"

"The Eastern Group bull beep!"

"This Eastern Group is really brainless. You don't have to be so stupid if you want to attract people's attention?"

"It's all hype! What qualifications does the Eastern Group have to say such things?"

"On the top floor! How dare you speak wildly and not cooperate with celebrities with inflated salaries? My elder brother Kun is worth tens of millions of salaries!"

"What's wrong with my idol's 80 million salary? Could it be that the baby's acting skills are not good? The eyes that are always like Wubo Gujing are the essence of the whole drama!"

"Just wait and watch the Eastern Group collapse!"

The comments below the official Weibo of the Eastern Group are simply representatives of polarization.

Those who support the Eastern Group can lift the Eastern Group to the sky, but those who step on the Eastern Group want to step on the Eastern Group to the abyss!

On this side, Jiang Dong is enjoying it, but on the other side, Xia Xue and the three daughters are very busy...

After this Weibo was made public, the phone calls between Xia Xue and Zhang Ting never stopped. Almost all the calls were from major entertainment companies, studios of traffic stars, or assistants. The group tore their faces apart, and their words were ugly...

Including the hotline that Dongfang Group announced to the outside world was also blown up. This group of people are the brainless fans of those top stars. This group of people have become crazy fans of idols.

As soon as the phone was connected, they began to scold.

"Miss Leng." When everyone was busy, Jiang Dong called Leng Xin who was the most idle.

"Little Shenhao, what's the matter?" Leng Xin approached curiously.

Jiang Dong: "Fang Nuan, where are you now?"

Leng Xin: "She's staying in the relevant department, and she doesn't dare to come out. Wei Ding can't let her go so easily."

"It's fine if you don't come out." Jiang Dong smiled mysteriously, and said softly to Leng Xin: "I have a task for you."

"What task?" Leng Xin's emotions were immediately mobilized.

Jiang Dong is so careful, he must be a confidential person, Leng Xin instantly has a feeling of being highly valued.

"Go to the relevant department and watch Fang Nuan 24 hours a day. I'll send someone to protect you secretly. As soon as Fang Nuan walks out of the relevant department, you must be with her 24 hours a day and take good care of her. I'm of great use!" Jiang Dong said in a deep voice.

"Bah! A scumbag!" Leng Xin said without thinking, "You don't want to sneak into Fang Nuan, do you? Let me tell you, Fang Nuan is one of Wei Qiang's lovers, don't you Will you be so picky?"

"Can you stop thinking wildly? Why am I not picky about me?" Jiang Dong was so angry that his head was full of black lines, "I just think that Zhong Fang Nuan is Wei Qiang's lover, so it is of great use to us!"

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