Not to mention Xia Xue and Yi Tong, but Chen Qianqian, who is still in Wucheng, and Ning Siqi, who is in the military training at the Aviation University of Shanghai, will be a few blocks away from that so-called celebrity Fang Nuan.

Jiang Dong is not picky eaters, on the contrary, he is very picky eaters!

"Okay! Trust you once!" Leng Xin looked like he didn't believe Jiang Dong at all, "Who do you send to protect us?"

"Remember the phone number, you will call this person in a while." Jiang Dong then left Zheng Yi's phone number to Leng Xin, and then glanced at Xia Xue who was so busy, Jiang Dong left the Dongfang Group silently.

Fang Nuan is a very important chess piece, Jiang Dong must protect her well, the key is that Jiang Dong has too few people at his disposal now...

Leaving the financial building, Jiang Dong did not return to the car, but started to stroll in the South Bridge business district, looking for the place where he signed in today.

At the same time, in Villa No. 1 in the villa area of ​​Venus Film and Television Manor.

Wei Ding was holding a string of crystal clear beads in his hand, and he was sitting on the top sandalwood chair with his eyes closed, as if he was taking a nap.

Behind Wei Ding, stood Qin Ming, his confidant. He stared at the clock on Qiang without saying a word, as if he was waiting for something.

"How long has the wild donkey been?" Wei Ding suddenly opened his eyes and asked without thinking.

"Twenty minutes, counting the time, it should be almost there." After Qin Ming finished speaking, he looked at Wei Ding hesitantly.

Wei Ding seemed to have eyes behind him, and smiled calmly, "If you want to say something, just say it."

"Master Ding, are we being too indulgent with that Jiang Dong? He asks for money, so we will give it? The available funds within the group are running out, and Fang Nuan's fine has not been fully paid yet!" Qin Ming said a little He muttered worriedly.

"That's why we want to make money! As long as the wild donkey has the hand, not only the fine will be settled, but also the problem of the group's capital chain will be solved." Wei Ding said.

"But, Lord Ding, will the means be too extreme? After all, we have no evidence in our hands, so we just put Liu Zhong on an unwarranted charge and get rid of him. Will it chill the hearts of allies?" Qin Ming's expression remained the same. worry.

"In this world, the winner is king. As long as we are strong, there will be no shortage of dogs around us. Once we lose power, those dogs will be the first to jump up and bite us!" Wei Ding slowly said about the current situation in today's society. The status quo, "As for Liu Zhong, only insiders know about Fang Nuan's affairs. In addition to the unclear relationship between Jiang Dong and Liu Zhong before, it is very likely that Liu Zhong stabbed this matter!"

"Master Ding, this matter should have nothing to do with Liu Zhong. We attacked Liu Zhong just to make money, right?" Qin Ming scratched his head and asked tentatively.

Hearing this, Wei Ding slowly turned around to look at Qin Ming, and said with a half-smile: "You just know, you don't need to say it, Liu Zhong is just a ghost, if you don't kill him, how can I annex Tongda Media?"

Qin Ming had an expression of "I knew it", "Master Ding, so Jiang Dong should be responsible for Fang Nuan's tax evasion?"

"It must have been done by him. The current situation is a series of tricks set up by Jiang Dong for me, but we have to be led by him. Didn't he want to use my knife to kill Liu Zhong a long time ago? I will fulfill him." It’s just that it’s still unknown who will win the battle in the end!” Wei Ding laughed sadly, “You have a chain trick, don’t I?”

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