"This Jiangdong must be eliminated, otherwise it will definitely be a serious problem for our confidantes!" Qin Ming spit out these words coldly, revealing his murderous aura.

"Inevitable..." Before Wei Ding finished speaking, the bronze door of the villa was pushed open.

As the wild donkey entered the villa, he took off his bloody coat, stood in front of Wei Ding carelessly, cupped his hands and said, "Master Ding, Liu Zhong has settled it, and I have also taken back the transfer contract of Tongda Media."

After all, the wild donkey took out a contract from his body, which was officially signed by Liu Zhong before his death, and it was a contract to unconditionally transfer Tongda Media to Wei Ding!

"It's done well." Wei Ding glanced at the contract, and couldn't help but praise the wild donkey, "Where's Liu Zhong's useless son?"

"That kid is at home in Luzui District, my people have already passed..." Before the wild donkey could finish his sentence, his cell phone rang without warning.

The wild donkey answered the phone, and without saying a few words, his face immediately became gloomy.

"What's wrong?" When Wei Ding saw the wild donkey's expression, an ominous premonition suddenly floated in his heart.

"Master Ding, the brothers who went to Luzui District have missed!" The wild donkey said bitterly: "The main reason is that Liu Ye is too useless. He is not at home to recover from his injuries, so he sneaked out to tease his sister! Stepping on the horse of!"

"After all, I miscalculated the character of a dandy!" Wei Ding took a deep breath. He really didn't expect that Liu Ye's puddle of mud could not only support the wall, but also couldn't climb the corner of the horse. Instead of recuperating at home, he ran out secretly To flirt with a girl, to be convinced in capital letters.

"Master Ding, my people have already started searching for Liu Ye's traces, and he can't get away from our Wuzhi Mountain!" The wild donkey growled viciously.

"Go to work, get rid of Liu Ye's trash as soon as possible, if he doesn't die, Tongda Media will still have a chance to turn around!" Wei Ding said, waving his hand.

"Okay!" The wild donkey didn't talk nonsense, and ran out of the villa aggressively, chasing Liu Ye.

After the wild donkey left, Qin Ming received a call and hung up after saying a few words. Then, Qin Ming leaned into Wei Ding's ear and said, "Master Ding, someone has been sent to find Jiangdong."

"Very good!" Wei Ding's eyes suddenly lit up, "As long as Jiang Dong is dead, that trash Liu Ye won't be able to make any waves!"

It turned out that Wei Ding not only wanted to drive the Liu family to death, but also wanted to put Jiangdong to death!

Think about it, that's right, otherwise, why would Wei Ding make concessions to Jiang Dong in every possible way?

His purpose is to repay him in the same way, avenge Wei Qiang, and kill Jiang Dong!

As long as Jiangdong dies, Wei Ding will be able to take the lead in annexing the Dongfang Group with the cooperation contract signed with Jiangdong in hand!

Jiangdong has Zhang Liangji, and Wei Ding also has bridge ladders...

It's just that the final result was changed by a dandy whom everyone looked down upon...

Jiang Dong didn't know about Wei Ding's strategy against Jiang Dong. At this time, he was still wandering around the South Bridge business district.

"Stocks? Finance? Banks? Entertainment companies? Celebrity signing rights? I don't think these are of any use to me?" Jiang Dong strolled in the Nanqiao business district, looking at the shops and various industries around him, feeling a little dizzy for a while, because he I don't know what to choose to sign in today.

Suddenly, a solid wooden plaque came into Jiang Dong's eyes, writing, Baji Boxing Gym!

"Baji Boxing Gym?" Jiang Dong became interested in an instant.

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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