Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 818 Fighting Counterfeit Fighters (Part 1)

Bajiquan is one of the national arts of the Dragon Kingdom. It is known as invincible. There are often fighting scenes about Bajiquan in movies and TV. It is called a burst.

Every teenager has a martial arts dream in his heart, and Jiang Dong is no exception.

"That's it!" Jiang Dong walked to the main entrance of the Bajiquan Gym without hesitation, opened the system light curtain, and started to sign in.

"Sign-in location, Baji Boxing Gym in Nanqiao Business District."

"The system is screening the flash kill options."

"Option 1, the right to operate Baji Boxing Gym and store ownership, worth 75 million Longguo currency, today's flash sale price is 19.9 yuan."

"Option 2, proficient in Bajiquan, the host can instantly comprehend the essence of Bajiquan. Today's flash sale price is 19.9 yuan."

"Option 3, the position of vice president of the Dragon Kingdom Martial Arts Association, today's flash sale price is 19.9 yuan."

When the system listed the three options for instant killing, Jiang Dong had the answer almost instantly...

The first option is completely tasteless, the third option is a useless option, and only the second option is the real essence!

For Jiangdong, the proficient level of Baji boxing has reached the ultimate temptation!

"Seckill the second option!" Jiang Dong chose the second option without hesitation.

Afterwards, Jiang Dong's whole body trembled like an electric shock. This strange situation lasted for more than ten seconds before it stopped.

After the electric shock stopped, Jiang Dong actually noticed that there was a warm current in his lower abdomen, just like the true energy described in martial arts, extremely mysterious...

At this moment, Jiang Dong's eyes flashed a sharp light, and the boxing skills of Bajiquan seemed to be baked into his brain and integrated into his muscle memory, and his whole body was full of vigor and energy. Earth-shaking changes have taken place!

"Is this the legendary national art?" Jiang Dong stared blankly at his hands, and now he couldn't wait to make a set of punches to vent the excitement in his heart.

If you are an ordinary person, even if you get this reward, it is useless, because the body of an ordinary person cannot support the use of Bajiquan, let alone the consumption and backlash of the "qi" in the body!

But Jiangdong is different. His body has been transformed twice by the system, and he is definitely the top-level existence. Bajiquan is integrated into his body, which can only add wings to a tiger. It can not only help him improve his combat effectiveness, but also transform Bajiquan It can be regarded as a perfect match to complement each other.

When Jiang Dong was standing in front of the Bajiquan gym in a daze, suddenly, a young man with a peaked cap and a slightly short stature came over.

"Young man, are you interested in Bajiquan?" The young man raised his peaked cap slightly, revealing a very ordinary face, but the eyes were too small, like a slit.

Jiang Dong turned his head slightly and gave the young man a weird look, but he didn't speak.

Jiang Dong didn't open his mouth, but the man in the peaked cap did, "Bajiquan is just a useless showmanship. The martial arts of the Dragon Kingdom are dead, and now only dance is left. dance."

The man in the peaked cap was full of vitriol and cynicism, more like a sword, piercing directly into Jiangdong's heart!

Dragon Kingdom's martial arts are dead?

A nameless fire surged into Jiang Dong's heart in an instant.

"Don't believe me?" The man in the cap joked, "Then I'll prove it to you!"

After finishing speaking, the man in the peaked cap stepped forward and walked into the Baji Boxing Gym.

"This man, is he sick?" Jiang Dong stared blankly at the back of the man in the peaked cap. He seemed to have seen this guy before, but he couldn't remember it at the moment...

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