Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 828 Xu Yang's return, the clue to the key

"In the underground palace under Villa No. 12, there are dozens of women!"

"These women are not ordinary women, they are all young and beautiful!"

"There are starlets, young models, and even ordinary people!"

"Small stars and young models are usually disobedient characters in entertainment companies. Wei Ding will fake some accidents or disappearances, erase them from the real world, and then lock them into the underground palace in the villa area. Keeping them as pets is actually a slave, slave, X slave!"

"As for those ordinary people, it's even easier!"

"One of Wei Ding's right-hand men, Black Cat, specializes in lending money. Those who are unable to repay, after some operations, will be imprisoned in the underground palace by the Black Cat, and become slaves just like disobedient stars and young tenders. scribe!"

"There is only one end for these people to be locked in the basement. They are played by Wei Ding's guests. They are Wei Ding's biggest reliance on relationships and resources!"

After saying these words, Liu Ye seemed to have been drained of all the strength in his whole body, and he slumped on the seat powerlessly, panting violently.

"..." At this moment, Jiang Dong didn't know what to say.

There is no doubt that Jiang Dong's three views have been completely shocked by Liu Ye's secret.

Jiang Dong really didn't expect that the water in this circle would be so muddy?

There is also Wei Ding, who is simply a scumbag to the limit!

Even, to a certain extent, Wei Ding and Sha Kun, who resell unconventional drugs, are already on the same level!

No matter who it is for, no matter what the reason is, Jiang Dong decided to get rid of Wei Ding, the great scourge!

"These words you said are all true?" Jiang Dong asked Liu Ye in a deep voice.

"It's absolutely true!" Liu Ye said swearingly: "Unless my father lied to me before he died!"

Liu Zhong lied to Liu Ye before he died?

Totally impossible!

Liu Zhong told Liu Ye these secrets, in fact, he added an insurance policy to Liu Ye. As long as Liu Ye has these secrets in his heart, the group of people who want to harm Liu Ye will be more or less wary, and those who are enemies of Wei Ding Those people will compete to win over Liu Ye!

It has to be said that although Liu Ye and Liu Zhong are not very good father and son, Liu Zhong's fatherly love for Liu Ye is the purest.

"If I ask you to appear in court as a witness, would you dare?" Jiang Dong suddenly asked Liu Ye.

What do you do as a witness in court?

It must be referring to Wei Ding's behavior!

"Jiang Shao..." Liu Ye said in a very embarrassed way: "Just let me go! The underground palace is under Villa No. 12, and Villa No. 12 is under the name of our Liu family. Although my father is gone, But I am here, if this matter is made public, I will inevitably go to the kiln!"

What Liu Ye said was true, even if he took the crime and performed meritorious service and became a tainted witness, he would not be found not guilty.

Once Liu Ye enters the bitter kiln, what is the significance of him telling this shocking secret?

"That's right!" Jiang Dong understood Liu Ye's mood very well at this moment, "Well, I recently arranged for you to leave Dragon Country, Island Country, Bang Country, Philippines Country and Xin Country, four countries around Dragon Country, you choose one , I’ll give you another sum of money, enough for you to live your entire life in style!”

"Thank you, Young Master Jiang! I went to Bang Country and heard that there are many beauties there. Although they are all man-made, it doesn't affect my taste!" Liu Ye was so excited that he almost kowtowed to Jiang Dong.

Jiang Dong: "You should stay at the Oriental Bar for the first few days, and don't go anywhere!"

Liu Ye's current status is very special, and Jiang Dong must send Liu Ye out of Longguo before Wei Ding is dealt with.

Liu Ye is just a dude, the secrets in the villa area were all done by Wei Ding, even Liu Zhong was involved, at most he was a helper.

What's more, Liu Zhong was already dead, so there was no need to let Liu Ye, who didn't even know about it, be buried with him, and the punishment for Liu Ye was almost the same.

"Young Master Jiang, don't worry, I don't dare to go anywhere now!" Liu Ye said honestly, "As long as I can survive, I will definitely obey Young Master Jiang's orders, except for the matter of being a witness..."

"Don't let you be a witness, don't worry!" Jiang Dong waved his hand generously.

Jiang Dong hadn't arranged for the witness in advance, because he didn't know that there was such a big secret hidden under Villa No. 12!

However, the dark chess that was buried before can perfectly cope with this unexpected situation. I just hope that that dark chess will not disappoint Jiangdong...

Not long after, Jiang Dong drove back to the Oriental Bar and took Liu Ye in through the back door.

The business of the bar is not bad, and the opening ceremony is still going on, so the popularity will naturally not drop too much.

The people staying at the Oriental Bar were Xu Yang and Wang Laowu who had disappeared for a long time. Jiang Dong found out after inquiring that Zheng Yi took Long Hair and A Le to find Leng Xin.

Wang Laowu took Liu Ye, who was still in shock, upstairs to the bar, and Wang Laowu was responsible for personal protection of Liu Ye these days.

Jiang Dong and Xu Yang sat in Zheng Yi's favorite old seat. There was no wine in front of them, but two bottles of mineral water.

"Arrange this kid to go to Bang Country, the sooner the better, it's best to get a fake identity." Jiang Dong said to Xu Yang.

"I'll contact the snakehead in the capital city, there should be no problem." Xu Yang thought for a moment, and then responded to Jiang Dong.

Jiang Dong: "How many days will it take?"


Yang: "Three days!"

"Okay! Let's do it! Just tell me how much money you need!" Jiang Dong paused, then changed the topic, and asked Xu Yang in a low voice, "Is there any progress in what I asked you to investigate?"

"This is also the reason why I came back suddenly!" Xu Yang's voice was lower than Jiang Dong's, and his expression was unusually solemn, "Brother Dong, I have fulfilled my mission, I found something..."

"Say it!" Jiang Dong's mood instantly became anxious. It seems that today is really a good day.

"Following this key, I found the store that provided the key, and that store is in the Luzui District of Shanghai!" Xu Yang roared excitedly: "What is certain now is that this The key came from the Demon City, if we continue to infer in this direction, this key probably exists because of a certain lock somewhere in the Demon City!"

"You mean to say that the secret hidden by this key is likely to be hidden somewhere in the magic city?" Jiang Dong clenched his fists subconsciously.

It seems that Jiang Dong is getting closer to the core of the secret left by his father!

"Basically, that's what it means!" Xu Yang nodded, and then said: "The owner of the store that distributes the keys doesn't know what the key is for, and he doesn't even remember who distributed the key. The timeline and character line are temporarily unknown, and we can't grasp more clues now..."

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