Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 829 There Are Too Many Flies In This World

After saying these words, Xu Yang also showed a frustrated expression.

It has been almost a month since he came to the devil, and Xu Yang only found so many things, which made Xu Yang feel a little shameless facing Jiangdong.

"Don't be discouraged, you've done a good job!" Jiang Dong patted Xu Yang's shoulder vigorously, and said consolingly: "I told you to check this key, which is actually a needle in a haystack. You can find these clues now, which is beyond the limit. I expected it!"

"Brother Dong, I have decided, even if it is an attempt to lock one lock after another, even if it is to turn the devil upside down, I will find out the secret of the key!" Xu Yang said through gritted teeth.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. I believe that when the time is right, we will definitely find the answer we want!" After Jiang Dong said, he raised the mineral water towards Xu Yang. Instead of wine, I took a sip.

"By the way, Brother Dong, there are still a few things I need to report to you." Xu Yang cleared his throat and talked about other pieces of news with a smirk on his face.

"Xiong Xiaotian and the crocodile died, and they were dealt with by the black cat last night."

"That Iron Man is missing. I suspect that he knows the truth about Wu Cheng. He may be hiding somewhere and is planning to harm Brother Dong!"

"There is also Xiong's power in Wucheng, which has almost been swallowed up by our alliance with Zhao Gang and Du Minghao's group. So far, Wucheng has no two heroes. Xu and Abin have firmly controlled Wucheng. Grab it in your hand, and there will be no worries in the rear!"

"There is also Zhang Yue. She had a very unsatisfactory life in the Chen family. She lost the protection of the Zhang family. The Chen family called her a lot..." Xu Yang suddenly lowered his voice when he said this, with a smile that was not a smile He said: "I also heard that Zhang Yue plans to break off the engagement, and it seems that he has fallen in love with another person with more energy."

"A person with more energy? Do people want her?" Jiang Dong smiled disdainfully.

"Yes!" Xu Yang laughed playfully, "It's impossible for a bright matchmaker to marry. With Zhang Yue's beauty, there are still many people who are willing to ask for a young one. She is young and beautiful, and she will not fight or grab it, right, Brother Dong? hey-hey!"

"This is quite interesting!" Jiang Dong is very interested in the affairs of the Chen family and Zhang Yue. After he has settled the Nanxian District and freed up his hands, he is ready to attack the Chen family. Report to me."

Xu Yang: "Understood!"

Jiang Dong and Xu Yang chatted for a few more words, then left the Oriental Bar and drove back to the School of Economics.

Just parked the car in the parking lot of the School of Economics, suddenly, Jiang Dong's cell phone rang, it was Xu Yangguang's voice prestige.

"Fuck me! Brother Dong! Are you messing up again? Lin Su asked me for your phone number like crazy just now. If I don't give it to her, she will eat me up!" Xu Yangguang's voice was full of consternation.

"Lin Su? What is she looking for me for?" Jiang Dong didn't understand the situation at all.

What does that young lady want his phone for?

Just when Jiang Dong was puzzled, his cell phone rang again, and Lin Su's call came as scheduled.

"Jiangdong! You big scumbag! I warn you! Stay away from Tongtong from now on, or I will kill you!" Jiang Dong had just connected the phone, and before he could speak, Lin Su's hysterical roar came from the receiver , It's exactly the roar of the Lion in the River East.

"Are you sick? Hurry up and go home and take your medicine!" Jiang Dong snapped at Lin Su angrily.

Really, to call Jiangdong a scumbag?

Although these two words are a bit close to reality, there is no need to shout them out with such fanfare, right?

Don't you want to lose face?

"Bah! Damn scumbag! Smelly scumbag! I firmly resist you! I will never let Tongtong come together with you!" Lin Su continued to growl, listening to her tone, if Jiang Dong stood in front of her now, She can definitely eat Jiangdong alive!

"Speak clearly!" Jiang Dong was a little angry.

"Speak clearly? Did I not make it clear enough?" Lin Su shouted angrily, "Don't think that I don't know about the good things you did in Qiuyue Teahouse. Let me tell you, the owner of that teahouse is me!"

Autumn Moon Teahouse?

Good job?

Jiang Dong immediately thought of the fact that he and Xia Xue went to the Qiuyue Teahouse. It seemed that Lin Su had misunderstood Jiang Dong, but he didn't seem to have misunderstood...

"I didn't expect you to be the owner of that teahouse?" Jiang Dong suddenly said with a smirk: "Then you'd better use the energy of the Lin family to investigate me carefully. When the investigation comes out, come talk to me again."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Dong directly hung up the phone without giving Lin Su a chance to refute.

If Lin Su believed that Jiang Dong was a scumbag who had something to do with Xia Xue and his daughters who went to the teahouse, he would definitely tell Yi Tong, or simply prevent Yi Tong from approaching Jiang Dong. This was not what Jiang Dong wanted to see.

Don't refuse, don't take the initiative, but Jiangdong can't tolerate someone's sabotage, right?

The Jiangshan beauty card is in hand, and it has been destroyed before it is determined who will use Jiangdong. Who will be comfortable with it?

If Lin Su really asked the Lin family to investigate Jiang Dong, relying on the energy of the Lin family, they would definitely be able to find out that Jiang Dong and Xia Xue are superiors and subordinates. In this case, all misunderstandings would be resolved.

Although, this is not a misunderstanding, Jiang Dong and Xia Xue are indeed a little unclear...

Just after finishing the call with Lin Su, Xu Yangguang called again.

"What are you doing again? Jiang Dong answered the phone and said unhappily.

"Lying grass! Brother Dong!"

"Can you change the opening line?"

"Then let me talk about the matter directly!" Xu Yangguang went straight to the point, "Yu Zihao contacted Pei

Yong and Zhang Hang are going to join forces to deal with you! "

"Who are those at the other end?" Jiang Dong felt very bored, every day, why would there always be flies jumping out to pretend to be eagles?

"Pei Yong and Zhang Hang are the other two ministers of the student union. Together with Yu Zihao and Lu Tianming, they are the four ministers of the School of Economics!" Xu Yangguang briefly introduced Jiang Dong, "These two guys are People from Xijiang District, Pei Yong is the second son of the Pei family, and Zhang Hang is the heir of the Shunda Group in Xijiang District, and their families are probably about the same size as the Chaoyue Group in Nanxian District, and they can be regarded as one of the leading forces in Xijiang District."

"Those two, don't you have any enmity with me?" Jiang Dong is a little tired. The ones who are qualified to fight with him are this group of dudes. Dealing with these dudes every day, anyone would be tired!

"There is no enmity, but Pei Yong, Zhang Hang and the Lin family have a very close cooperative relationship. Just now, Lin Su was looking for you all over the world, and he was in a very wrong mood. It felt like he was going to eat you. Pei Yong and Zhang Hang must see each other." It's normal for people to order dishes to please Lin Su, and it's normal to deal with you, and Yu Zihao's idiot provoked it, this result is not surprising." Xu Yangguang talked eloquently.

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