Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 832 You just wanted to say, what do you want

Lin Su's appearance immediately made the atmosphere in the field weird.

The three ministers who were domineering and domineering before, especially Zhang Hang and Pei Yong, immediately changed their expressions after seeing Lin Su. Their smiling faces were like blooming chrysanthemums, and they completely lost the aura of pointing the country just now.

As for Yu Zihao, the second half of his sentence was choked back abruptly by Lin Su's sudden appearance, his face turned red, and he almost coughed.

Of course, Yu Zihao dared not speak out. Yu Zihao naturally knew Lin Su's identity. Even though his father, Yu Gang, was very energetic, he was limited to Nanxian District. When facing the Lin family, Yu Gang had to be obedient. Bow your head, let alone Yu Zihao, the second generation ancestor!

Lin Su walked slowly, and everyone made way for her. When Lin Su got between Jiang Dong and the three ministers, her expression became a little unhappy.

"You guys, what are you doing here?" Lin Su frowned lightly, her eyes constantly wandering around Jiang Dong and the three ministers.

Lin Su was obviously a little unhappy.

In an instant, Zhang Hang and Pei Yong began to panic.

The two had already made a preconceived judgment that Lin Su and Jiang Dong had a feud. Naturally, Lin Su's displeasure was also taken by Zhang Hang and Pei Yong to see Lin Su's displeasure because of seeing Jiang Dong...

"Sister Lin, don't worry, this kid will never get better today!" Pei Yong patted his chest and shouted righteously.

Seeing that Pei Yong was the first to steal the show and bought a girl in front of Lin Su, Zhang Hang was anxious and angry.

"You want to compete with me for flattering?" Zhang Hang secretly scolded Pei Yong, but he didn't show any displeasure on his face, and immediately smiled at Lin Su: "Miss Susu, don't worry." , I will definitely help you out today, and teach this idiot named Jiang Dong a lesson!"

"What?" Lin Su's willow eyebrows frowned even deeper, but her first reaction was to refute Zhang Hang and Pei Yong first.

"Don't get close to me, who is your sister?"

"And you! I need you to vent my anger?"

Miss Lin Su's temperament is not fake, no matter what the four ministers or the five kings, Miss Lin is definitely not used to illness.

"Miss Lin is right! I was the one who was abrupt!"

"Miss Lin, please don't be angry. Let's play whatever Miss Lin says about today's matter!"

Being bullied by Lin Su in public, the arrogant Zhang Hang and Pei Yong dared not speak out. Instead of refusing to refute Lin Su, they began to apologize with a smile. The personal settings of the ministers do not match at all!

"How do I play, how do you play?" Lin Su gave Zhang Hang and Pei Yong a weird look, and suddenly, Lin Su raised the corners of his mouth, showing a wicked smile, "Then I will tell you how to play now." ..."

When Lin Su's words fell to the ground, Zhang Hang and Pei Yong immediately showed an attitude of listening attentively. This attitude, let alone how stupid it is!

"I want you to get out! Immediately! Immediately!" Lin Su said this sentence with a half-smile that shocked the audience to an undeniable degree.

In an instant, the air seemed to freeze, and time seemed to stand still.

Everyone in the audience stood there dumbfounded.

Especially for Pei Yong and Zhang Hang, who were the parties involved, the chrysanthemum faces froze directly on their respective faces, not to mention how embarrassing they were.

Even Jiang Dong couldn't help looking at Lin Su with a surprised look.

"This young lady took the wrong medicine? She scolded me to death on the phone just now, and now someone is trying to please her and deal with me, but she still tells them to leave? This is a bit...unscientific!" Jiang Dong's The inner monologue is very complicated.

Ever since Jiangdong got the system, there are really few people he can't figure out. If there are, then Lin Su is definitely one of them!

To be honest, Lin Su's performance can definitely be regarded as a typical representative of returning to basics and returning to the truth, with great wisdom and foolishness.

Just like she voluntarily signed the document renunciating the inheritance of the family property, she used another method to protect herself among the wealthy, and then obtained things that she might not be able to own and obtain!

"Uh..." Pei Yong wriggled his throat with difficulty, as if he was trying to speak, but after thinking for a long time, he suddenly realized that he didn't know what to say.

Zhang Hang, on the other hand, reacted much faster than Pei Yong at this moment, and immediately said to Lin Su in a flattering tone: "Miss Lin, this... we are leaving, what should we do with this kid? We can't let him continue Arrogant, continue to make Miss Lin angry?"

"This is my business, what does it have to do with you?" Lin Su gave the smart Zhang Hang a cold look, and added by the way, "Of course, if you want to touch him, then please do so!"

When Lin Su's words fell to the ground, Pei Yong and Zhang Hang immediately looked at each other, and both of them read an emotion called "confused" from each other's eyes.

And Yu Zihao, he has been invisible for a long time, this is not the result he wanted.

Now, since Lin Su has spoken, Yu Zihao will naturally not miss this opportunity.

"Jiang, Miss Lin won't protect you anymore, let me see what you will do this time!" Yu Zihao immediately roared, "I want..."

Yu Zihao didn't see through Lin Su's smile at all, what was hidden behind that smile, he only had Lin Su's words in his heart, if you want to touch Jiangdong, please do it!

"That's right!" Before Yu Zihao finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lin Su for the second time, "I almost forgot to tell you, my brother wants to see Jiang Dong... If I use my brother's original words, that is, 'Invite' Jiangdong over."

Lin Su's words, like thunder from the nine heavens, directly hit Yu Zihao, Zhang Hang and Pei Yong's deepest hearts


Even after the three ministers stopped at Lin Su's words, their bodies couldn't help shaking together, as if they had received some kind of great shock...

Lin Su's elder brother is undoubtedly Lin Yi.

And Lin Yi, as the only heir of the Lin family, and even the boss who has already mastered half of the Lin family at this time, actually used the word "please" to treat Jiang Dong, which caused the three ministers to suffer double critical damage up!

What's the situation now?

Why is the reversal so fast, so sudden?

Didn't Lin Su fall out with Jiang Dong?

Why did Lin Yi suddenly want to "invite" Jiang Dong now?

A series of questions completely exploded in the hearts of the three ministers.

Not only the three ministers, but also Xu Yangguang and the very few people who knew Lin Su's identity were all scared to death!

The dignified Lin Yi actually sent Lin Su to "invite" Jiang Dong?

This horse riding is definitely a piece of explosive news!

Suddenly, Jiang Dong laughed, his laughter interrupted everyone's thoughts.

Almost instinctively, everyone fixed their eyes on Jiang Dong.

I saw that Jiang Dong turned his head, looked at Yu Zihao with a playful face, and sneered with disdain: "You just wanted to say, what do you want?"

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