Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 833 Kneel down, break your leg, choose one

"You just wanted to say, what do you want?" Jiang Dong's voice was not loud, but it kept echoing in the cafeteria, especially in Yu Zihao's ears, it was extremely ear-piercing.

"I...I...I..." Yu Zihao murmured for a long time, but he didn't say the second word.

"A fly will always be a fly." Jiang Dong grinned, the smile was so sincere and heartbreaking.

"Cough..." Yu Zihao was furious and coughed incessantly from Jiang Dong's anger, but Yu Zihao didn't dare to say anything, let alone how useless he was, calling this the most useless moment of his life Not too much.

Compared to Yu Zihao's embarrassment and uselessness, Zhang Hang and Pei Yong's reactions were quick.

"Since President Lin is affectionate, then we won't delay Junior Jiang's affairs." Pei Yong backed away while smiling apologetically.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" Zhang Hang waved his hand towards Jiang Dong in a familiar manner, as if saying goodbye to an old acquaintance, "Let's go first!"

"Let's go now?" Jiang Dong also finished his meal, threw his chopsticks on the table, and slowly stood up, "How about playing for a while?"

"Stop playing!"

"Brother Jiang should hurry up and see President Lin!"

Pei Yong and Zhang Hang retreated again and again, completely losing their previous arrogance.

Although these two didn't know why Lin Yi suddenly wanted to find Jiang Dong, but Lin Su's words must not be fake, so they couldn't help but believe it!

Now that you believe it, then apply Lin Su's words and get out of here, they will even hold Lin Su in their arms, let alone Lin Yi!

"If you say you don't want to play, you won't play anymore?" Jiang Dong looked at Zhang Hang and Pei Yong jokingly, "Then how embarrassing am I?"

"..." Pei Yong and Zhang Hang froze on the spot for an instant, they never thought that such a sentence would come out of Jiang Dong.

In the seriousness of Pei Yong and Zhang Hang, taking the initiative to confess to Jiang Dong is already the maximum face, but Jiang Dong is still relentless, which is a bit too much.

In fact, Pei Yong and Zhang Hang didn't think about it at all. They were the ones who came to Jiangdong to trouble them first, and they were the ones who wanted to leave after pretending to be beeping. They didn't care about Jiangdong's feelings at all, typical selfish ghosts.

Well, isn't that what people do?

He is only allowed to pick faults on others, not himself, everything is what he thinks, how can anyone care about other people's feelings?

Anger is all about anger, but Pei Yong and Zhang Hang didn't explode immediately, but turned their attention to Lin Su at the same time...

The whole thing started because of Lin Su, selling face was also selling Lin Su's face, if Lin Su didn't appear suddenly, would Pei Yong and Zhang Hang let Jiang Dong go so easily?

Certainly not!

"What are you looking at me for?" Lin Su is also a master who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement. He spread his hands to show that it has nothing to do with her.


Lin Su just wanted to mess with Jiangdong on purpose!

As for the reason, does the unruly young lady need a reason for doing things?

Absolutely not!

Pei Yong and Zhang Hang understood Lin Su's meaning, and immediately, their expressions became unfriendly again.

"Brother Jiang, there are some things that are almost done."

"So far, have you ever heard of it?"

Pei Yong and Zhang Hang said arrogantly to Jiang Dong.

"Enough, I've heard of it." Jiang Dong didn't hesitate at all, what kind of horses are Pei Yong and Zhang Hang?

Seeing that Jiang Dong was very good, Pei Yong's expression softened, but the arrogance on his face did not weaken at all. At this time, his inner monologue was like this, "Don't you rely on Lin Su when you ride a horse? Lin Su Su doesn't cover you now, why are you pretending?"

What Pei Yong thought was similar to that of Zhang Hang, the only difference was that Pei Yong only thought in his heart, while Zhang Hang said it out, "Since you have heard of it, then you should..."

Before Zhang Hang finished speaking, Jiang Dong moved without warning under the watchful eyes of everyone and beyond everyone's expectations!

Jiang Dong's speed was extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye, he invaded in front of Zhang Hang and Pei Yong, and then under the horrified eyes of everyone, Jiang Dong strangled the throats of the two with both hands, and relied on With extraordinary arm strength, he lifted the two of them abruptly, the kind that lifted their feet off the ground!


"Lying on the grass!"

"What did I see?"

"Is he a monster?"


The whole cafeteria erupted instantly.

Everyone exclaimed hoarsely at this moment, just because the scene in front of them has completely subverted their view of time and cognition!

Pei Yong and Zhang Hang, each of these two weighed no less than one hundred and forty catties, but Jiang Dong was able to lift them up with one arm...

This is not a simple problem of one plus one equals two. The strength required to lift Zhang Hang and Pei Yong's bodies abruptly is definitely greater than the strength to lift a weight of 300 jins!

"I've heard that it's time to stop, but it doesn't mean I'm willing to go to the end." Jiang Dong carried Zhang Hang and Pei Yong, his face was red and he couldn't breathe, and even the speed of his speech didn't change at all, which is enough to show that , Jiang Dong still had the strength to spare, "You guys just pretended to be beeping in front of me, and you just want to leave? How can there be such a good thing in the world, right?"

"Then... what do you want to do..." Pei Yong's voice was a little hoarse, and his speech was intermittent, but compared to Zhang Hang, who could only hope to breathe, Pei Yong's condition was considered pretty good.

"Either kneel down and apologize to me, or let me break a leg, the two of you choose." Jiang Dong said directly.

However, after Jiang Dong finished speaking, everyone in the cafeteria immediately fell into a state of petrification...

Get down on your knees and apologize?

Break a leg?

Isn't this riding a horse too awesome?

Movies don't even dare to shoot like this!

A young freshman who had just entered school was picked on by three of the ten most powerful people in the school. Instead of admitting his cowardice, he killed those three big bosses. This is a counterattack!

The most important thing is that these three are not ordinary Niubi people. The family wants money, money, and power. Even if they are really in Jiang Dong's hands today, can Jiang Dong bear the consequences?

Regardless of whether Jiangdong can bear the consequences, anyway, Jiangdong is now two words in the minds of this group of people, bull beep!

While struggling, Pei Yong uttered these words with difficulty, "Don't go too far... I'm the Pei family from Xijiang District..."

Jiang Dong didn't give Pei Yong a chance to speak, and interrupted him directly, "It seems that you want to choose to have a broken leg."

"You are riding a horse... what kind of horse..." Zhang Hang, who hadn't spoken for a long time, finally took advantage of Jiang Dong's slightly slack palm, and shouted such a sentence.

Of course, this is only the first half of the sentence. Before he could say the second half, Lin Su interrupted him...

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