Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 834 It is very lethal and even more insulting

Before Zhang Hang's words fell to the ground, Lin Su directly pulled Yi Tong to sit on the dining chair next to him, looked at the three of Jiang Dong with a smile, and didn't forget to make up for it, and shouted excitedly, "Yes! Break their legs! I like this kind of scene! I didn't see the scene where you knocked out Sharon's teeth the other day!"

He does not mean that.

Lin Su said these words indifferently, but after hearing Zhang Hang and Pei Yong's ears, her taste immediately changed...


Jiangdong knocked out all of Sharon's teeth a few days ago?

After the fight, he still appeared in the academy so alive and kicking?

Does this mean that Sha Kun, the big boss in Nanxian District, didn't pursue it?

This riding horse is too scary, right?

It's just horrifying to think about!

In an instant, Pei Yong and Zhang Hang faltered.

Zhang Hang hurriedly continued the first half of the sentence, but he made a 180-degree drift and changed his words, "Pei Yong...what do you mean if you step on a ox and a horse...Junior Brother Jiang made you kneel...yes For your sake..."

"..." The audience was silent, everyone stared wide-eyed, looking at Zhang Hang who was licking to the limit with disbelief, changing face, do you want it so fast?

"I... Zhang Hang... What kind of a horse are you riding on a horse... How dare you accuse me... I will definitely choose to kneel down and apologize to Junior Brother Jiang..." Pei Yong always reacted a little slower than Zhang Hang, but still It was not too late, and he changed his words in time.

Pei Yong and Zhang Hang sang together, which once again refreshed the three views of the students.

What about asking for trouble?

What about the agreed gesture Koto?

What about the three ministers who agreed to make a strong attack?

That's it?

"Then start your performance." Jiang Dong let go of his hands, and the two fell directly to the ground.



Zhang Hang and Pei Yong screamed in pain. In the next moment, they got up immediately and knelt down in front of Jiang Dong without hesitation.

"Jiang Shao, we don't know Mount Tai..." Pei Yong was sincere.

"It's Yu Zihao, an idiot, who encouraged us to come to trouble. If we knew that we were looking for trouble with Young Master Jiang, we would definitely not dare to come!" Zhang Hang opened his eyes and said nonsense. Lin Su, he won't come.

Everyone scoffed at Zhang Hang's remarks, but no one dared to show it. After all, they were just ordinary students, and Zhang Hang wanted to deal with them, just like crushing an ant to death.

No one dares to say it, but it doesn't mean everyone dares to say it, such as Lin Su, she dared to...

"Aren't you too cowardly? Contradicting right and wrong into black and white, are you such an upside-down method?" Lin Su sat on the dining chair, with a bit of a sense of pointing out the country, "At any rate, you are also people who came from a big family in Xijiang District. Ah, is this kneeling down to him?"

"Miss Lin laughed."

"I'm laughing..."

Zhang Hang and Pei Yong resolutely admit their love, they can't afford to provoke them, so what if they don't admit their love?

"Okay, let's go." Jiang Dong waved his hand, as if driving away flies, and drove away Zhang Hang and Pei Yong.

Jiang Dong didn't bother to line up with this kind of second-generation ancestor, so he could just educate him instead of his parents.

What's more, Jiangdong has no intention of expanding to Xijiang District for the time being, so it has to choose the next target first, which is also the more prosperous Dongpu District, the commercial district and Luzui District.

"Thank you Young Master Jiang!"

"Let's go! They're all gone!"

Pei Yong and Zhang Hang got up quickly, not wanting to stay in the cafeteria for a second, even before graduation, these two may not come to the cafeteria to eat again, it's too embarrassing!

With the greeting from Zhang Hang and Pei Yong, the number of people in the team of 40 to 50 people immediately decreased by nearly three-quarters. This group of people followed Pei Yong and Zhang Hang, and left the cafeteria as if fleeing.

The remaining ten or so people were all brought by Yu Zihao, but this group of people is now on pins and needles...

The shock and impact of Pei Yong and Zhang Hang kneeling down to Jiang Dong in public is still vivid, so what about Yu Zihao?

No matter from any point of view, Yu Zihao's influence and energy are similar to those of the two, but the point is that those two did not dare to shout at Jiangdong when they were tied together. In Jiang Dong's hands, does he have this weight?

There is no doubt that Yu Zihao's followers want to leave, but they are afraid that Yu Zihao will be held accountable!

In desperation, he could only stand behind Yu Zihao so awkwardly, neither advancing nor retreating...

However, to say that the most embarrassing person in the field at this time is Yu Zihao.

He is more guilty than anyone else now!

If it is said that Zhang Hang and Pei Yong in Xijiang District don't understand Sha Kun's energy, but Yu Zihao, who is a native of Nanxian District, can't understand it better.

Jiang Dong dared to knock Sha Long's mouth full of teeth, but Sha Kun didn't pursue it, which already made Yu Zihao's jaw drop!

If the experience of Sharon was placed on Yu Zihao, I am afraid that Yu Gang, Yu Zihao's father, would not take any action, would he?

Thinking of this, Yu Zihao couldn't help shivering. In just a short moment, his thoughts were already spinning a thousand times!

It has to be said that Yu Zihao's inner fantasy world is very rich, but the reality slapped him hard...

"What's your brother looking for from me?" Jiang Dong didn't talk to Yu Zihao at all, he didn't even bother to look at him, as if, in Jiang Dong's eyes, Yu Zihao was nothing worth mentioning.

"How could I know

road? "Lin Su pouted, seemingly dissatisfied.

She wanted to watch the excitement, but she didn't expect that this was the end of the matter?

"Then let's go! Go see your brother!" Jiang Dong didn't talk nonsense, and walked directly outside the cafeteria.

Jiang Dong figured it out, it must be Lin Su who asked Lin Yi to investigate him, and then Lin Yi found out something interesting, that's why he "invited" Jiang Dong.

And Jiang Dong went to the appointment, and he also had his own plan.

The Lin family has great energy in the magic capital. If they can get online with Lin Yi in advance, it will definitely help Jiangdong's actions, including the key that Xu Yang traced!

How could Jiangdong miss such a thing?

"Hey, hey! Let's go now?" Lin Su didn't expect that the matter would develop to such a point. He pointed at Yu Zihao, whose expression was constantly changing, and shouted to Jiang Dong: "What should he do? You still Didn't clean him up!"

This young lady is really the one who fears that the world will not be chaotic!

"Clean him up? Does he have a key?" Jiang Dong walked out of the cafeteria without looking back, he really didn't even want to look at Yu Zihao, as if Jiang Dong felt that Yu Zihao had sharp eyes.

"A key? What kind of a joke is this?" Lin Su muttered in confusion.

"Do you have a key?" Xu Yangguang interjected with a smirk.

"What am I supposed to do with a key? I definitely don't deserve it..." At this point, Lin Su immediately understood what Jiang Dong wanted to express, "This guy, he really took humiliation to a new level?"

That's right!

As Lin Su said, Jiang Dong's attitude of ignoring Zihao is definitely very lethal and even more insulting!

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