Everyone in the cafeteria looked at Yu Zihao with weird eyes.

On the other hand, Yu Zihao, not only did this guy not show that angry expression, but even showed a sense of relief in his eyes...

I don't know when, Yu Zihao's inner self-esteem and pride have been completely crushed by Jiang Dong.

This time it ended in this way, Yu Zihao expressed his satisfaction!


That's enough?

if not?

Like Sharon, was Jiang Dong knocking out all his teeth?

Without saying a word, Yu Zihao ran quickly and ran along the back door of the cafeteria...

"Lying on the grass!"

"Yu Zihao ran away! He ran away without even daring to resist?"

"In today's confrontation, Jiang Dong directly crushed the three ministers, and counting the docile Lu Tianming who has been dealt with by Jiang Dong before, Jiang Dong has defeated the four ministers, right?"

"A freshman who has only been in school for less than a month is so awesome!"

"Lying grass! She is definitely an idol!"

Following Yu Zihao's escape, the students in the cafeteria were instantly overwhelmed. The shock and horror in their hearts had reached a level that could not be described in words!

"This guy is too arrogant!" Lin Su glared at Jiang Dong's back in displeasure, "I must find a chance to punish him severely!"

"Okay!" Yi Tong's eyes were different from Lin Su's. She looked at Jiang Dong's back, her eyes were full of light, "Didn't you misunderstand that he was a scumbag before? How can you deal with him?"

"Tongtong, you are still doing well, why are you starting to help each other?" Hearing what Yi Tong said, Lin Su became even more upset.

Could it be that even the girlfriends couldn't resist the beauty trick in the end?

The key point is what kind of handsome Jiang Dong is!

"You hurry up! Didn't your brother want Jiang Dong?" Yi Tong half pushed and half pushed Lin Su out of the cafeteria.

The scene in the cafeteria has nothing to do with Jiangdong.

He didn't care whether he would become a man of the hour in the academy, let alone whether he would become a legend in the School of Economics.

Because these so-called identities and names are nothing to Jiangdong at all, the so-called Niubi characters in the academy can only be beaten up against Jiangdong, and they are the kind of dimensionality reduction blows!

When Yi Tong and Lin Su walked out of the cafeteria, Jiang Dong was already waiting at the door.

Yi Tong smiled at Jiang Dong, and walked to the dormitory area alone, while Lin Su stood beside Jiang Dong.

"Let's go!" Lin Su looked Jiang Dong up and down, and his eyes were filled with displeasure.

"She's not going?" Jiang Dong pointed to Yi Tong's graceful back and asked Lin Su.

"You don't know Tongtong at all!" Lin Su seemed to recall the past, "Tongtong doesn't like to be in contact with rich people. I also concealed my identity when I was in high school, so I became good friends with Tongtong. Later, Tongtong Hitomi knows my identity, and also knows that I only have her as a good friend, and she can't bear to let me have no friends, so she always stays by my side!"

"Bottom line and kind, right?" Jiang Dong nodded appreciatively. As expected of a girl with a very high special score, her conduct is different.

"It can be understood in this way!" Lin Su waved his powder fist at Jiang Dong viciously, "No, I can't let my only friend be cheated by you big pig's hoof, you scumbag!"

"Have you cleared up the misunderstanding? Why are the scumbags tall, and the scumbags short?" Jiang Dong gave Lin Su an unhappy look.

"How do you know that the misunderstanding has been resolved?" Lin Su looked at Jiang Dong in a daze.

"You are really wise and stupid..." Jiang Dong was speechless, and then changed the subject, "Let's go! Go see your brother!"

It seems that Lin Su's IQ has no lower limit when it comes to such things, but when it comes to big right and wrong, there is no upper limit to IQ, which is a strange thing.

Lin Su and Jiang Dong walked towards the parking lot. Along the way, the two turned heads almost 100%!

Of course, few people in the academy knew about Lin Su's identity, and at most they thought Lin Su was very special.

But Jiangdong is different. The well-known man of the hour, the number one celebrity in the academy, with a 100% return rate, is also given to Jiangdong.

"By the way, Zhang Hang and Pei Yong are very afraid of your appearance?" Jiang Dong asked casually.

"The main reason is that I'm afraid of my brother. The two of them have business dealings with my brother." Lin Su didn't have any scheming, and explained to Jiang Dong directly: "Let's put it this way, as long as the Lin family cancels the cooperation with the Zhang family and the Pei family, The market value of those two companies has shrunk by at least one-third, do you think they are afraid of me?"

"So that's it." Jiang Dong nodded. This kind of interest relationship has nothing to do with his analysis. "By the way, what happened to Xu Yangguang? I heard those two idiots call Xu Yangguang an abandoned son of the Xu family?"

"Xu Yangguang didn't tell you about this?" This time it was Lin Su's turn to become curious, "You and Xu Yangguang have such a good relationship, shouldn't you?"

Jiang Dong: "Then tell me?"

"Okay! I'm in a good mood today, so let's chat with you, a scumbag!" Lin Su insisted on using the word "scumbag" to refer to Jiang Dong, as if reminding himself all the time that Jiang Dong is a scumbag. You can't entrust Yitong to him easily.

"The Xu family is very powerful in the devil, and it is about the same as our Lin family. Xu Yangguang's grandfather is the younger brother of the head of the Xu family, and the Xu family was also founded by the two."

"Fifteen years ago, Xu Yangguang's grandfather passed away, and Xu Yangguang's father began to be imprisoned by the long family.

Suppress. "

"Xu Yangguang's second family and first lineage are weak. Xu Yangguang's father is no match for four hands. Ten years ago, he was finally squeezed out of the Xu family and removed from the family tree."

"Xu Yangguang's father did not give up. He started a new business in Nanxian District. In ten years, he built the Kaixuan Group, one of the three major business giants in Nanxian District. He can be regarded as a generation of strange people."

"Xu's second house and one lineage have been suppressed by the long house lineage for more than ten years, and the Kaixuan Group has also been targeted by the Xu family."

"Perhaps the greatest wish of Erfang and Yimai is to avenge Mrs. Xu?"

"Anyway, from the moment Erfang was expelled from the genealogy ten years ago, Xu Yangguang has been called Xu's abandoned son."

After Lin Suyang said so much, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"So that's the case..." Jiang Dong nodded approvingly, "No wonder Xu Yangguang has such a weird personality, so he is also a person with a story?"

Xu Yangguang is the heir of the Kaixuan Group. Jiang Dong has already guessed about this matter. He just didn't expect that Xu Yangguang and the Xu family still have such a relationship.

It seems that Xu Yangguang's future road will definitely be full of thorns!

Unless, he can get together with Lin Su, so that he has a chance to fight against Xu...

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