"Brother Dong, please tell me!" Akun sat up straight subconsciously, because he knew that what Jiang Dong was going to say next was definitely the key point, the kind that was required for the exam.

Jiang Dong: "Venus Film and Television Manor, Villa No. 12, do you know?"

Akun: "That villa of the Liu family? Is there anything special about it?"

Akun's answer made Jiang Dong sure that the secrets of Villa No. 12 are beyond the knowledge of ordinary people, even the Fang Nuan that Jiang Dong was eyeing may not know too much...

If Fang Nuan knew everything, it would be impossible for Wei Ding to let the wild donkey stare at Fang Nuan instead of sending people into the bitter kiln to kill Fang Nuan directly!

Therefore, Jiang Dong is now looking for someone who knows the inside story and is willing to testify against Wei Ding in court!

Liu Ye is the most suitable, but this guy is too timid, he really dare not!


Jiang Dong suddenly thought of someone, and then he sneered, "Keep an eye on the black cat. If there is a chance, immediately notify Xu Yang, I want to capture the black cat alive!"

"Don't worry, Brother Dong! Because I came back from Wucheng, the black cat values ​​me very much. I will stay with the black cat during this time. I know everything about him!" Akun smiled obsequiously.

"If this matter is done well, I won't treat you badly..." Jiang Dong raised his hand, patted Akun's shoulder vigorously, and said in a low voice, "You are under the black cat, but I will help you sit on it." Wei Ding's position!"

"Thank you Dong Ge for your compliment!" Akun blushed, obviously very excited.

Akun is just one of Black Cat's many boys, not even a confidant, otherwise he wouldn't be sent to a small place like Wucheng to lend money.

But now, as long as he helps Jiangdong bring down Wei Ding, Akun can jump straight to the triple jump and sit in a position that he can't even imagine...

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man, and Akun has no reason to let go of this opportunity.

In particular, Jiangdong's mystery gave Akun great confidence. He even felt that if Wei Ding messed with Jiangdong, it was tantamount to accepting Yan Wang's reminder!

"Go!" Jiang Dong waved his hand, Akun cupped his fists at Jiang Dong and Xu Yang respectively, and walked out of the Oriental Bar quickly.

When the sound of A Kun's footsteps completely disappeared from Xu Yang's ears, Xu Yang couldn't help but sneered, "Brother Dong, this guy sold Black Cat and Wei Ding really thoroughly!"

"In the face of interests, how much is loyalty worth?" Jiang Dong said meaningfully: "Old Xu, Ah Kun is not you, nor Zheng Yi, he is a villain who only cares about profit, but this kind of villain is the best. Control, because he has desires, I help him achieve his desires, he helps me get the information I want, isn't this perfect?"

"Then..." Xu Yang was very excited to gain Jiang Dong's trust, but Xu Yang still couldn't help reminding: "Brother Dong, if a villain like Akun can sell Wei Ding and Black Cat today, he can sell it tomorrow." We, Brother Dong, really want to help him sit in Wei Ding's position?"

"Sell us? If we have been strong, will he betray us? In other words, if we don't become strong, we must have been killed by other enemies long ago, and it's not Akun's turn to do it!" Jiang Dong was confident Yi smiled and said: "The key is that we won't stretch our hips, we will go all the way to the rainbow, open and hang all the way, and press all the way!"

"I believe in Brother Dong!" Xu Yang's blood was boiling with Jiang Dong's words. If Jiang Dong trusted Xu Yang, then Xu Yang worshiped Jiang Dong unconditionally, and he was the most fanatical.

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