"Compared with me, you should believe in yourself." Jiang Dong patted Xu Yang on the shoulder vigorously, and said firmly, "Your future is definitely not limited to the small Nanxian District, understand?"

"Understood!" Xu Yang nodded heavily, even if Jiang Dong asked him to die immediately, he would not hesitate at all.

Before he knew it, Jiang Dong's control over people's hearts was close to the point of perfection, which he probably didn't even realize.

Jiang Dong: "Okay, wait for the news from Akun. Once you find a chance to capture the black cat alive, call me immediately. The black cat is very skilled. What we are after is the result, not the process, so you don't have to go head-to-head with the black cat. Wait for me to come and act again!"

"Don't worry, Brother Dong, I will never act rashly, and I will definitely not disrupt Brother Dong's deployment!" Xu Yang patted his chest and promised.

"And that Liu Ye, arrange for him to leave as soon as possible, let him go abroad to be cool, this guy is a backup trump card, if the black cat's way doesn't work, we can only push him up!" Xu Yang instructed , Jiang Dong left the Oriental Bar.

Back at the School of Economics, Jiang Dong happened to be in time for the morning class, but nothing special happened. The class ended smoothly. The four people in dormitory 202 plus Xu Mengmeng went to the cafeteria for lunch.

The five of them prepared the meals, sat in the corner of the cafeteria and ate while talking and laughing. The atmosphere was very harmonious.

But at this moment, a beautiful figure came slowly with a tray, "Is it convenient for me to sit here?"

The soft voice came to Jiang Dong's ears, including Xu Yangguang and others, they all raised their heads and looked in the direction of the voice...

I saw that Xia Mumu, who hadn't shown up for a long time, was standing in front of several people, her beautiful eyes seemed to be able to speak, and she kept blinking towards Jiangdong.

"Uh! There's someone here!" Jiang Dong really didn't want to have anything to do with Xia Mumu, since he rejected her once, it wouldn't be a second time.

"Is there really someone?" Xia Mumu blinked her beautiful eyes playfully, as if she had already seen through Jiang Dong's little thoughts.

"Yes!" Jiang Dong nodded firmly.

"Then I'll sit here first, and I'll leave when someone comes." Xia Mumu didn't like Jiang Dong's trick at all, and sat directly on the empty seat next to Jiang Dong, causing Xu Yangguang and the others to look sideways.

Xia Mumu is one of the campus flowers in the School of Economics, and she doesn't usually come to the cafeteria to eat. Today's appearance is quite eye-catching, and when she appeared, she sat directly next to Jiang Dong, which made people unable to resist Take a closer look, after all, this is a big event that shocked the whole school, even if Jiang Dong and his group are sitting in the corner, they can hardly cover up Xia Mumu's light.

Naturally, many students in the cafeteria turned their curious gazes over, and by the way, they started talking...

"what happened?"

"That's what happened!"

"That's Xia Mumu, the junior school belle, right? Does she have something to do with Mr. Shenhao?"

"Is not this nonsensical?"

"But boss Shenhao and freshman school belle Yitong aren't very flirty, aren't they?"

"Who is the boss Shenhao? Is there a problem with having two girlfriends?"

"It's definitely no problem! Who makes people rich!"

The sound of whispering almost filled the first floor of the cafeteria. Although Jiangdong and the others sat far away, they could still hear a few words...

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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