"It's difficult for me to do this." Jiang Dong put down his chopsticks, although he didn't look at Xia Mumu beside him, his words clearly aimed at Xia Mumu.

"Sitting next to you for a meal, won't it be so difficult for you?" Although Xia Mumu was smiling, anyone could see that she was a little bit embarrassed. Is there something to do with Yi Tong's elementary school girl?"

"It has nothing to do with you, does it?" Jiang Dong's tone became cold.

Xia Xue's distraction and evaluation of Xia Mumu before, including Tang Hao's warning to Jiang Dong, Jiang Dong did not forget.

In fact, Jiang Dong himself didn't have much resistance to Xia Mumu, he just wanted to reject her, but Xia Mumu's move today, which made it clear that he wanted to create a scandal, made Jiang Dong's favorability for her plummet, and even There's a little...disgusting!

Naturally, it was impossible for Jiang Dong to give her any good looks.

Xia Mumu lowered his head sadly, sighed secretly, and then said softly with some resentment: "Do you hate me so much?"

"We have nothing to do with each other, and it's not that we hate each other. I prefer that we maintain the relationship of strangers." Jiang Dong's voice was cold, and he had already made up his mind to cut off everything with Xia Mumu and let her break it off. This thought.

Jiang Dong believed in the ratings given by the system to Xia Mumu, he also believed in Xia Xue's evaluation of Xia Mumu, and even inexplicably trusted Tang Hao's warning. All in all, Jiang Dong felt that the most suitable relationship between him and Xia Mumu was strangers.

"Okay!" Xia Mumu closed her beautiful eyes and left two strings of tears sadly. Immediately, she stopped hesitating, and without even picking up the dinner plate, she stood up directly, turned around resolutely, and walked out of the cafeteria.

Jiang Dong's resolute refusal caused Xu Yangguang and others to fall into consternation, until Xia Mumu's figure completely disappeared from everyone's sight, Xu Yangguang and the others came back to their senses.

Like the melon-eating crowd, Xu Yangguang and the others were also shocked.

"Brother Dong, although this Senior Xia Mumu is a little worse than Yitong, she is taking the initiative!"

"Exactly! Is such a ruthless rejection appropriate?"

The surprised duo still only saw the superficial problems, but didn't dig into the problems to see the essence.

"If you ask me, Yitong also has a crush on Brother Dong. It will definitely not take much effort to chase after him. It is right to reject Xia Mumu!" Xu Yangguang is considered to be standing on the second floor, and he sees the problem more profoundly than the surprised duo. .

However, Xu Mengmeng, who was also a woman, had the deepest and most thorough insight into this sudden incident.

"I don't think so..." Xu Mengmeng frowned, "My intuition tells me that Xia Mumu's visit to the class monitor today is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. I can tell from her eyes Reading out an emotion called despair, I guess, something must have happened to her!"

"Be clear." Obviously, Jiang Dong was more interested in the words of Xu Mengmeng who was standing on the third floor.

"I can't tell." Xu Mengmeng shook her head in confusion, "But, class monitor, I can be sure that something must have happened to her, and after this time, she probably won't come to you again, the look in her eyes It's full of death!"

"That's okay." Jiang Dong let out a long sigh of relief.

For Jiangdong, it is definitely a good thing to have fewer women to entangle, especially Xia Mumu, a woman Jiangdong is not interested in at all.

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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