However, Jiang Dong didn't know that Xu Mengmeng's guess was correct, and because of today's rejection, Xia Mumu completely gave up on Jiang Dong, and because of love and hatred, he embarked on another road of no return...

Xia Mumu's episode did not affect the appetites of Jiangdong and the others. On the contrary, Jiangdong's appetite increased because he got rid of Xia Mumu, and he ate more than usual.

After a meal, Jiang Dong went to Datang hot pot restaurant to work as usual, Xu Yangguang and Xu Mengmeng pressed the playground, Lu Zhuang went to the basketball court, He Lin returned to the dormitory to continue his e-sports dream. It was proceeding in an orderly manner.

Jiang Dong arrived at Datang Hot Pot Restaurant, and after changing the waiter's clothes, he started to get busy.

After working for a long time, the number of diners in the store gradually decreased, and Jiang Dong's workload was not so heavy. At this time, Tang Hao came over and asked Jiang Dong meaningfully: "Young man, have you encountered any trouble recently?"

"Trouble?" Anyway, he was not busy anymore, so Jiang Dong simply leaned against the wall and chatted with Tang Hao, "What trouble can I have?"

"It's good that there is no trouble." Tang Hao said meaningfully: "Nanxian District is not very peaceful recently, so avoid going to places with few people."

Jiang Dong didn't think much about Tang Hao's words at all, and it was even more impossible for him to know that Tang Hao had appeared after his battle with Xu Dong...

It was Tang Hao's small talk that reminded Jiang Dong of what happened to Xia Mumu before.

"Brother Hao, Xia Mumu from our academy, do you still remember?" Jiang Dong asked.

"Remember, what happened to her?" Tang Hao was also a little absent-minded.

"She came to look for me again today, but I rejected her. According to my classmate, she probably won't come to me again." Jiang Dong didn't know how to tell Xia Mumu about it, so he could only summarize it briefly clicked.

"What do you mean?" Tang Hao came back to his senses, frowning and looking at Jiang Dong.

"It's literally." Jiang Dong shrugged.

"..." Tang Hao didn't know what to say, but there was an ominous premonition in his heart for no reason.

Tang Hao was about to warn Jiang Dong a few words, but before he could say anything, he heard Jiang Dong muttering: "It's off work, Brother Hao, see you tomorrow."

As soon as he took off the waiter's clothes, Jiang Dong went to the manager to pay the bill.

"Young man, you'd better be careful these days." When Jiang Dong walked back to Tang Hao again, Tang Hao couldn't help telling him.

"Got it!" Jiang Dong didn't know Tang Hao's details at all, and Jiang Dong naturally laughed off his advice.

Leaving Datang Hot Pot Restaurant, Jiang Dong returned directly to the School of Economics. The afternoon class was very full and didn't end until 5 pm. Anyway, Jiang Dong was free now, so he went to class with everyone.

University classes are fun, and they are fun, but boring, they are really boring.

Anyway, for Jiang Dong, he was not interested in listening to Ma Zhe's big class in the afternoon, but played games with He Lin.

"Fuck me! Brother Dong, you can't do it as a top order!"

"There is no vision in the middle, be careful!"

"Brother Dong, you are going to be super ghost!"

He Lin is really powerless to complain about Jiangdong's game level. It is completely different from his other abilities. He Lin, a majestic king of hundreds of stars, king of national uniforms, can't hold Jiangdong in the Xingyao Bureau... …

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