"Fucking grass! I haven't played this thing for a long time, how did this hero change to this?" Jiang Dong was very upset, and his top laner Arthur scored 0-8. It would be impossible for anyone to change him. I almost decided to go to an e-sports club today to complete the sign-in.

"Brother Dong, I really can't move you..." After three rounds, He Lin surrendered helplessly, and secretly vowed in his heart that he would never double row with Jiang Dong again.

"Wait until I practice!" Jiang Dong got angry, and the phone locked the screen immediately.

Glancing at his watch, only an hour has passed, and there are still two hours before the end of today's class, Jiang Dong didn't know what to do for a while.

Jiang Dong looked at the left hand side, Xu Yangguang and Xu Mengmeng were whispering, and then looked at the right hand side, He Lin started to solo, Lu Zhuang and Zheng Tao were discussing tactics.

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Dong joined the discussion between Lu Zhuang and Zheng Tao.

"There is a basketball practice game tonight, and we are discussing the selection of players!" Lu Zhuang explained: "Before the start of the student sports meeting, we have to fix the lineup. It is best to finish running. There are also several friendly matches for the football team."

"Who are you playing against in today's practice match?" Jiang Dong expressed no interest and just asked casually.

"Department of Art..." Before Lu Zhuang finished speaking, the old teacher on the stage announced that the get out of class was over and he had a ten-minute break.

"Brother Dong." After class was over, Zheng Tao's voice became louder, "You also participate, and compete with us. I heard that Brother Dong's skills are amazing!"

"I was fighting, not playing basketball." Jiang Dong waved his hand, "What's more, what's the point of the practice match? If it's the main game of the sports meeting, I will participate."

As soon as Jiang Dong finished speaking, there was a shout at the door, "Brother Dong, someone is looking for you!"

"Who is looking for me?" Jiang Dong stood up suspiciously and walked towards the door of the classroom.

Outside the door of the classroom, there was a group of young people who pretended to be vicious but still childish. At first glance, they looked like freshmen who had just entered school.

The leader was wearing a pair of limited-edition AJ basketball shoes, and a shorts and vest that exposed his strong muscles to the air. Combined with his height of more than 190 centimeters, he looked very arrogant.

"Who is looking for me?" Jiang Dong walked out of the classroom, glanced at the group of people calmly, and finally fell on young AJ, "You?"

"Me!" Young AJ sneered, "My name is Li Changde, a freshman student in the Art Department, and also the strongest basketball rookie in the School of Economics, the only freshman who is being selected for the school's basketball team..."

"Say something quickly, and fart quickly." Jiang Dong picked his ear with his little finger, really too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

"Lying grass!" Li Changde felt ashamed, and immediately said angrily: "I'm here to tell you today, don't try to escape the practice match tonight, I will beat you down, so that you don't even have the courage to participate in the sports meeting, especially you... ..."

"Do I know you?" Jiang Dong was very curious, a stunned freshman appeared out of nowhere, and dared to trouble him?

"It doesn't matter whether you know me or not, the important thing is, do you dare to play in tonight's game?" Li Changde raised his neck and growled confidently: "Whoever loses, never show up in front of Yitong !"

"Lying grass! Got it!" Jiang Dong instantly realized that this stunned young man who dared to trouble him turned out to be a rival in love, "You came here for Yitong, right?"

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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