"Lying on the grass!" The wild donkey struggled crazily, he was about to be driven mad by Jiang Dong.

No one expected that Jiang Dong would finally report to the police, including Zheng Yi and Leng Xin, and they did not expect such an ending!

In fact, this is a crucial part of the big chess game deployed by Jiangdong, including the previous Dongfang Insurance, which pulled Yu's family off the horse, all for the sake of this game. Prepared for the chess game.

Of course, there will definitely be bigger moves in the future!

"Take them all away!" At this time, Wu Ming, the new acting director of the Patrol Department, walked in and roared righteously.

"I'm going to sue Jiangdong! He's done it too! Many of my people were beaten to the ground by him!" The wild donkey knew that there was no escape, so he decisively chose to pull Jiangdong off his horse.

"Enter the bitter kiln, learn more knowledge." Wu Ming looked at the wild donkey who was arrested and erected with a sneer on his face, "Mr. Jiang, this is called self-defense, and you will not break the law if you are killed! You are carrying weapons such as machetes. Walking in, and there are so many people here, is in itself a violation of the law, and you still expect Mr. Jiang to stand there and wait for you to chop?"

"Bye!" Jiang Dong smiled and waved at the bewildered wild donkey. The smile on his face, including his movements, was simply murderous.

"Ahhh!" the wild donkey roared fearlessly, "Jiangdong! From the very beginning, you've been plotting against us?"

"You just noticed it now?" Jiang Dong curled his lips in disdain, "However, you don't have to worry, that black cat will go to the bitter kiln to accompany you soon, within two hours, I will kill Wei Ding His right-hand man and right-hand man, let him catch him without a fight!"


"I am going to kill you!"

"You must die!"

"You scumbag!"

The wild donkey was taken away by the patrols, but his hysterical voice was still echoing in the bar.


forget it!

Jiang Dong is just exercising the rights that a citizen should have!

"Mr. Jiang, thank you for using your body as bait to help us catch this big fish!" After the police and the wild donkeys were taken away, Wu Ming excitedly held Jiang Dong's hand.

"Director Wu, this is the duty of a citizen." Jiang Dong was very modest and then asked again, "By the way, how long can this guy be sentenced?" "

"The plot is so bad that you can't get out in ten or eight years!" Wu Ming said harshly.

Jiang Dong nodded, and said again: "This side has almost been resolved, and there, Director Wu is still needed to cooperate..."

"Crack down on these lawbreakers, and restore the society to a bright future. These are the things we should do when we patrol!" Wu Ming held Jiang Dong's hand tightly, and shook it a few times. It can be seen that he is very excited now. "There will be no accidents over there. The black cat has a lot of bad deeds. I have been eyeing him for a long time. This time, he will not escape the law!"

Jiang Dong: "That's good..."

"Mr. Jiang, is it convenient to take a step to speak?" Wu Ming suddenly spoke, interrupting Jiang Dong's next polite words.

"Okay!" Jiang Dong blinked, and took a deep look at Wu Ming. Although there was a confused expression on his face, he was already happy in his heart.

The second thorn in Nanxian District can be removed.

Jiang Dong and Wu Ming went to the second floor of the bar, they didn't go into a certain room, but stood at the stairs, and started chatting...

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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