"What would Director Wu want to talk about?" Jiang Dong leaned on the handrail of the stairs, his whole face filled with calmness.

"Has Mr. Jiang already guessed what I want to say?" Wu Ming looked at Jiang Dong seriously, and finally said this sentence.

I don't know why, when Wu Ming faces Jiang Dong, he always has the illusion of being seen through from the inside to the outside, as if the young man in front of him who has just entered university is an omnipotent god!

"Director Wu thinks highly of me, how could I guess what you think?" Jiang Dong said calmly, "It's okay for Director Wu to speak up."

"Then I'll just say it straight!" Wu Ming pondered for a moment, and after sorting out his words, he said, "Mr. Jiang knocked down more than half of the wild donkey's subordinates, right?"

"How can you see that?" Jiang Dong raised his eyelids.

"It's not difficult to guess from the attitude of the wild donkey towards you and the way the horse boys look at you." Wu Ming is an old policeman after all, so he must have the ability to catch loopholes, "I I am very curious about what Mr. Jiang has experienced, not only has a righteous heart, but also has terrifying financial resources, as well as an astonishing fighting ability..."

"Director Wu, speak up if you have something to say." Jiang Dong interrupted Wu Ming, because he really didn't like this embarrassing way of bragging.

"Hehe!" Wu Ming was a little embarrassed, and after he calmed down, he went straight to the topic, "Mr. Jiang, I am a police officer, and it is my duty and responsibility to eradicate the evil."

"Right now, the wild donkey is subduing the law, and the black cat is in progress. I believe that after completely tearing apart with Wei Ding, Mr. Jiang will definitely bring Wei Ding down immediately."

"In Nanxian District, besides Wei Ding, there is another person with a heinous crime, and that is Sha Kun!"

"Our police department has been investigating him for a long time. I want to take advantage of this period of great turmoil in Nanxian District to bring Sha Kun to justice!"

When it came to the end, Wu Ming clenched his fists excitedly, it seemed that he was a little over-excited.

"Sha Kun?" Jiang Dong had already guessed what Wu Ming was going to say, but after hearing Wu Ming's words, he didn't change his expression. He just said lightly: "I've heard of Sha Kun, People who started their business by selling unconventional medicines are indeed more sinful than Wei Ding!"

"I hope that Mr. Jiang can cooperate with us and destroy Sha Kun in one fell swoop!" Wu Ming roared excitedly.

"How should I cooperate with you?" Jiang Dong smiled faintly, "I have nothing to do with Sha Kun, unlike Wei Ding, who are in the entertainment industry."

"I implore Mr. Jiang, to sneak into Sha Kun's base camp and find clues about Sha Kun's secret factory, so that we can have evidence of Sha Kun's unconventional drug sales and bring him to justice!" Wu Ming growled through gritted teeth. Looking up, it can be seen that his hatred for people like Sha Kun has reached its limit, "We can't find a second person with Mr. Jiang's skills in our patrol department, or even in the entire Nanxian District. Sha Kun's base camp is impossible to find clues to the secret factory, but Mr. Jiang..."

Before Wu Ming finished speaking, he was interrupted by Jiang Dong, "Director Wu, if you can help me this time, I owe you a favor, so I can't refuse you about Sha Kun."

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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