Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 887 Hell is Empty, Demons Are in the World

The most important thing is that the owner of each body is a beautiful woman with a beautiful face, but their eyes are dull and desperate, like a walking dead, looking at the Jiangdong people who suddenly broke into here without any emotion.

"Hiss..." Wu Ming gasped, even though he had experienced many battles, this situation gave him a creepy feeling, "These people seem to have been completely 'tamed', although This word is not suitable for people, but they give me the feeling, that's it!"

Not only Wu Ming, but even the eyes of those police officers became angry, and some of them turned their heads directly, unable to bear to look at these devastated women.

"You're right!" Jiang Dong's eyes were full of coldness, "They have indeed been tamed, and have become Wei Ding's tools for contacting the network!"

"A horse rider! Is Wei Ding still a human?" Zheng Yi clenched his fists tightly and growled angrily.

"Wei Ding is actually the kind of person who makes money from women. Without these women, Wei Ding would not be able to get to where he is today!" Ah Kun sighed. Aroused compassion.

"I can't see it anymore! I'll go out first and get some clothes in!" The emotional Leng Xin covered her face and left the underground palace. Everything here made her suffer.

While everyone was criticizing Wei Ding, Fang Nuan suddenly screamed, "She...Xiaotong? And Judy? My God! All the missing female stars of the company are really here!"

Fang Nuan's words can be said to have awakened everyone.

"Come here, block this place!" Wu Ming immediately directed the operation, "Release everyone, go get clothes, and contact the patrol department immediately to arrest Wei Ding..."

"Director Wu, you can listen to the contents of the recorder. There are evidences that confirm that this place belongs to Wei Ding's private territory. There is also Miss Fang Nuan. She will become a tainted witness and appear in court as a bad artist to identify Wei Ding. " Jiang Dong said while handing the recording pen into Wu Ming's hands, "This time, Wei Ding will not escape legal sanctions!"

After saying this, Jiang Dong walked out of the underground palace, he really didn't want to stay here anymore.

After obtaining the system, Jiang Dong became more and more decisive, but Jiang Dong would definitely not be able to do what Wei Ding did. He never even thought that someone in the world could actually do such a heartless thing!

The scene described by Liu Ye before and the scene Jiang Dong saw with his own eyes are definitely two different feelings!

The scene in front of him is definitely the scene that shocked Jiang Dong the most in his life!

Jiang Dong walked out of the underground palace with some depression, left the No. 12 villa, and sat in the back seat of Alpha, the rest, he was no longer needed, just leave it to Wu Ming.

"Brother Dong, would you like one?" Zheng Yi, who followed Jiang Dong out of the villa, handed Jiang Dong a cigarette.

Jiang Dong took it without thinking, he really needs a cigarette now to relieve his depression.

After Xu Yang lit Jiangdong, the iconic smile that belonged to the smiling tiger also disappeared, "After seeing the underground palace, I realized that Wei Ding and Sha Kun are actually the same, and these two people belong to the camp that has lost all conscience!"

"How do you say something? Hell is empty, and demons are in the world!" Jiang Dong exhaled a puff of smoke, his tone full of murderous intent.

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