"Steamer! If there is a chance, I really want to send the fighting scum out of these two scumbags to hell with my own hands!" Zheng Yiyin shouted coldly.

"Wei Ding, you have no chance." Xu Yang said angrily, "He will definitely be brought to justice. The punishment of a peanut is too light for him!"

"Steamer!" Zheng Yi cursed again, threw the cigarette butt on the ground, and crushed his feet fiercely.

Jiang Dong didn't speak, but looked at the black cat thoughtfully.

"Boss Jiang, Mr. Jiang, Big Brother Jiang, Master Jiang, I've said everything I need to say, can you let me go?" The black cat has completely given up.

With the exposure of the underground palace, Wei Ding's demise is already a certainty, and the black cat has fallen into Jiang Dong's hands again. In this case, if you don't bow your head, it is pure stupidity.

In order to survive, the black cat will definitely not become that stupid beep, or in other words, when a person is facing a critical moment of life and death, his IQ and EQ will be extremely high!

"Let your mother go..." Zheng Yi immediately became angry when he heard the words of the black cat, as if he wanted to vent the anger in his heart because of Wei Ding on the black cat. Black cat's face.

"Ah!" The black cat screamed, and spit out two big teeth. "Boss Jiang said just now that if I behave well, I will be released..."

"When did I say I would let you go? I just said to think about it!" Jiang Dong curled his lips and said with a cold smile: "Now, I have thought about it, and I will never let you go!"

"Jiangdong! You are despicable!" The black cat's mentality exploded instantly.

From heaven to hell, it really only takes a moment!

Having said that, the black cat is not a good thing either. To deal with this kind of scum, Jiang Dong needs to reason with him?

It's impossible!

"Fuck! Shut up!" Zheng Yi put his foot on the black cat's mouth, and punched and kicked the black cat.

The policemen who were in charge of guarding the black cat followed their colleagues to the prop area with a tacit understanding, and brought props and costumes for the women inside.

After a violent beating, the black cat was already bruised and swollen, and even speaking became an extravagant hope. The already injured black cat was even more injured at this time. You can die here directly!

The busy patrolmen followed Leng Xin, and kept delivering costumes to Villa No. 12. Everyone chose to turn a blind eye to what happened to the black cat.

Justice, treating some special people, is sometimes full of humanity.

"Mr. Jiang." Wu Ming walked out of Villa No. 12 at some point. Like those policemen, he chose to ignore this incident. "This incident is almost over, except for Wei Ding who has not yet been arrested. , there is another very important matter, I want to discuss with Mr. Jiang..."

"It's okay to be straightforward." Jiang Dong nodded towards Wu Ming, signaling him to speak directly.

"Those people inside have been traumatized mentally. I really don't know how to deal with them..." Wu Ming rubbed his temples, his eyes full of exhaustion and embarrassment.

"Sent to the best mental hospital in Shanghai, and all expenses will be borne by Dongfang Insurance." Jiang Dong was very righteous, and then added, "Director Wu, this time Dongfang Group made an exception, after all, they are not in Dongfang Group Insurance In the range."

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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