"Brother Dong, speak slowly, my heart is not good, what's wrong with Mrs. Lin?" Xu Yang's face turned red, and his whole body was trembling non-stop.

Xu Yang's jaw was already shocked by a ghost organization before, and now Jiang Dong suddenly mentioned the Lin family, this behemoth in the devil's capital, how could Xu Yang not be excited?

Not only excited, Xu Yang was even a little scared... Jiangdong's mysterious and terrifying energy made him scared!

"Mr. Lin is fine, but we have temporarily reached a cooperation. You can seek cooperation from people from Mr. Lin through the relationship of the Eastern Group. I must get the clue of the key!"

"Huh..." Xu Yang breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Jiang Dong would tell him that the Lin family had also won, and Xu Yang would probably be scared to death. "Brother Dong, you are really a person who is good at performing miracles. The key For the matter, I will definitely do my best to give Dong Ge an explanation!"

Jiang Dong nodded, didn't speak, and was about to take a break when he suddenly received a text message on his mobile phone, which was a balance change notice from Longguo Bank...

The rich man keeps his word, and the ghost organization is also very trustworthy, and even called Jiangdong 2 billion overnight!

This huge sum of money directly changed the entire Nanxian District, and even the structure of the city, not only because of the importance attached to "Jiangdong" by the Shanghai branch of Longguo Bank, but also in the subsequent judicial auction and Jiangdong's system. Upgrading has extremely far-reaching effects!

Of course, it was the ghost organization that had the greatest impact. The rich man and his immediate boss really bleed a lot this time.

Sometimes, outstanding personal ability is far more important than so-called money, because your ability is outstanding, so-called money will flow to you continuously, this is an eternal truth.

Just like the old saying, reading is not the only way out, but it is the most effective and fastest way out!

Just when the huge sum of money arrived, the system prompt sounded as expected.


"Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission. The system rewards the system with an upgrade card. Using this card, you can give up the level of the elite system and instantly increase a level."

"Note: Hidden missions are triggered randomly. The higher the system level, the greater the chance of triggering hidden missions. The rewards for hidden missions will naturally be very rich, but there will be penalties for mission failure."

After Jiang Dong received the reward of the elite system upgrade card, he obtained an important piece of information from the system, which was about the triggering conditions of the hidden mission.

"The previous missions can be called daily missions. The rewards are mediocre, but there is no penalty for failure of the mission. Although the rewards for the hidden mission are rich, there are penalties for failure. They each have their own strengths." Jiang Dong secretly compared in his heart. .

Up to now, Jiangdong's personal account already has 2 billion cash assets, as well as the Elite Level 1 Jiangshan Beauty Card, the Elite Level 3 Prodigal Card, and the Elite System Upgrade Card. Let this international metropolis flex its muscles!

"Let's do the system upgrade first today. Sha Kun and Si. Fa Auction can wait first." Jiang Dong had an idea in his mind, so he stopped delaying, greeted Xu Yang and Wang Laowu, and went directly to The lounge on the second floor.

This lounge was specially prepared by Zheng Yi for Jiangdong, not to mention how luxurious it is, but at least it is no worse than a five-star hotel room.

Jiang Dong took a shower, lay directly on the soft and comfortable big bed, and skillfully opened the system light curtain...

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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