Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 892: Continuous Promotion to Four Levels

Jiangdong's Shenhao sign-in system is currently elite level 3, and upgrading to level 4 requires an investment of 300 million yuan, which is a huge sum of money, but for Jiangdong now, it is really drizzle...

Without saying a word, Jiang Dong directly inserted the bank card into the light curtain, and the crazy upgrade of the system also kicked off the curtain.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the upgrade, the system has reached elite level 4."

"The system has reached elite level 5..."

"Elite Level 6..."

Jiangdong upgraded the system to three consecutive levels in one breath, and the Gold Swallowing Beast lived up to expectations, and directly settled a huge sum of 1.2 billion. When Jiangdong upgraded the system from level 6 to 7, only the huge sum of 2 billion that Jiangdong extorted from the ghost organization was left. Two hundred million...

"Congratulations to the host for completing the upgrade, the system has reached elite level 7." When the system prompt sounded in Jiang Dong's mind, Jiang Dong was worried again.

7 to 8 requires 700 million.

8 to 9 requires 800 million.

From 9 to 10, Jiangdong can use that system upgrade card to complete it.

It is conservatively estimated that Jiangdong still needs to spend another 1.5 billion to allow the system to break through the elite level and enter the next level.

"It's really a gold-swallowing beast!" Jiang Dong collapsed powerlessly on the bed, and couldn't help complaining: "The system in the computer is every second, how come it becomes a gold-swallowing beast when I get here? How can I step on my horse again?" Get 1.5 billion?"

"Forget it, let's try to see what good rewards can be given by elite level 7 sign-in after dawn!" Jiang Dong's eyelids began to become heavy, but he continued to mutter to himself, "There are also prodigal cards and Jiangshan cards. The beauty card can also get some money temporarily, so try to use these two cards in the near future!"

Thinking about it, Jiang Dong fell asleep directly.

This time Jiang Dong fell into a deep sleep, and he didn't wake up leisurely until noon.

Jiang Dong sleeps in the dark, but the outside has already exploded!

First of all, Wei's Entertainment Group, Wei Ding and Qin Ming died violently one after another, Black Cat and Wild Donkey were arrested and sent to the police department, and Wei Qiang also died a while ago, the entire Wei's Entertainment Group immediately became a mess .

Unfortunately, Wei Ding and Wei Qiang have no children yet, so Wei's Entertainment Group has naturally become a thing without an owner.

It is no exaggeration to say that all the forces in the seven districts and one county of Shanghai have already set their sights on this piece of fat. Once the judicial auction is made public, it will definitely be a swarm to carve up!

The collapse of Wei's Entertainment Group naturally led to the mysterious force of the Eastern Group, but any force with a little energy knows that the collapse of Wei's was brought about by the Eastern Group. All attention exists.

And some powerful forces have also found out even more unknown truths...

For example, a young man named Jiangdong has been making troubles in Nanxian District in the past month, ruining the Yu family, beating up Sharon, and making Sha Kun dumb. The most important thing is that Wei Ding and Wei Qiang His death seems to be related to him...

The name "Jiangdong" has become the most talked-about name among the real big forces in the magic city. Combined with Jiangdong's age and the actions of the second generation of violent beatings before, the major forces have also reached an agreement. A consensus was reached, that is, when the situation is still unclear, no child should provoke this Jiangdong!

After all, the Wei family went to ruin in such a short period of time because Wei Qiang provoked Jiang Dong, and Sha Kun's son, Sha Long, heard that Jiang Dong came to extract his teeth for free, Sha Kun didn't dare to babble ...

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