With Jiang Dong's ruthless means, huge energy, and background and mysterious existence, no big power wants to provoke it. After all, this is related to the sensitive matter of "Magic City Balance"...

The news about Wei's Entertainment Group and Dongfang Group is already hot enough, but at this moment, Lin, one of the six major families in Shanghai, suddenly announced that they have reached a cooperation with Dongfang Group...

After this news broke out, all major forces in the capital were in an uproar!

The upstarts rising like a comet have united with the old forces in the magic city. This is definitely going to break the rhythm of the "balance of the magic city"!

Regarding this pairing, the old forces are still waiting and watching, and the tentative plan is to stand still, while the new forces are also waiting and watching, but the new forces dare not move.

These incidents erupted one after another, which also caused another butterfly effect, that is, the big forces warned their children, never to provoke Jiangdong, but never to provoke Jiangdong.

The small powers don't know about Jiangdong's existence yet, so there is no such warning spread.

The whole magic city seems to have entered a stormy situation, and the calmness is scary...

And Jiang Dong, the one who changed the pattern of the magic city, woke up and found that the battery of his mobile phone was exhausted, so he charged it and washed it at the same time.

As soon as Jiang Dong turned on his phone, all kinds of prestige messages and missed calls were almost all from Xu Yangguang and the others. Because there was a class this morning, Jiang Dong didn't go. Fortunately, this morning's class was Brother Bin's class. I gave Jiangdong a yard, and I didn't mark him as absent from class.

"There is no class in the afternoon, so you can use the prodigal card first." Jiang Dong is now full of how to make money, although the upper limit of the prodigal card is only 70 million, but it is better than nothing, right?

After getting dressed, Jiang Dong left the room and went to the first floor of the Oriental Bar.

It was noon, and the bar was still cleaning, counting drinks, and it was not officially open.

Zheng Yi, who was in charge of everyone's work in the main hall of the bar, saw Jiang Dong come down, and immediately moved over. The way he looked at Jiang Dong, there was a substantial change. Simply put, it was the kind of fanaticism to the extreme worship!

Obviously, Xu Yang told Zheng Yi everything that happened yesterday.

"Brother Dong, are you going to attack Sha Kun?" Zheng Yi looked very excited.

"What's the rush? We don't need to take action on a guy like Sha Kun. Wu Ming can't tolerate him first!" Jiang Dong curled his lips in disdain, and took down Nanxian District. Jiang Dong is already determined to win, "You are also preparing recently, We can start recruiting troops, and if things go well, we will be able to get out of Nanxian District and go shopping in other districts in a short time!"

"Finally! The day has come!" Zheng Yi clenched his fists excitedly.

Seeing Zheng Yi's appearance, Jiang Dong also thought of Zheng Yi's past, and then said to Zheng Yi with a smile: "You should think about your enemies in Shanghai, and the next target is that area!"

"Brother Dong, what do you mean our next target is Dongpu District?" Zheng Yi opened his mouth wide in surprise, "Brother Dong, Dongpu District is a place where the magic city is full of events, where the six major families of the magic city dance wildly. We ..."

"The six major families of the Devil City?" Jiang Dong still didn't care, "I want to avenge you, no matter who is in front, just run over, my brother, no one can move!"

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