"I'm about to enter Dongpu District!" Zheng Yi's whole body was shaking because he was too excited.

At the beginning, Zheng Yi followed Jiangdong with all his heart, wasn't it just to wait for the day when he would return to the capital to take revenge?

Now, Jiangdong's strength has made Zheng Yi amazed, and revenge can be put on the agenda!

"You're busy, I'm going out for a walk, by the way, where is my car?" Jiang Dong was too busy yesterday, so he forgot about the Aston Martin one7.

"Brother Dong, your car is at school..." Zheng Yi said helplessly.

"Okay! I'll pick up the car!" Jiang Dong shook his head, and walked out of the Oriental Bar, leaving only Zheng Yi who was still excited.

Jiang Dong returned to the School of Economics and left the School of Economics in that cool Aston Martin one77.

Jiang Dong planned to go to Dongpu District to take a stroll first, see the development of Dongpu District, sign in instantly, and then use the prodigal card. After all, Dongpu District is one of the three most prosperous districts in Shanghai.

Just as Jiang Dong left Nanxian District by car, his cell phone rang. The person who called was Ning Siqi who hadn't contacted for a long time!

"Too busy, but I forgot about the school beauty." Jiang Dong showed an apologetic smile, and then connected the phone, "School beauty, long time no see!"

"You know it's been a while?" Ning Siqi's voice came to Jiang Dong's ears through the phone, but no matter how Jiang Dong heard it, there was a coquettish and resentful mood, "My military training is over, and I haven't seen you yet. Contact me once!"

"Uh...you know, I have a lot of things to do." Jiang Dong lied casually. Anyway, when she was in Wucheng, Ning Siqi already knew that Jiang Dong was unusual, so this reason would definitely make Ning Siqi not refute. room.

Sure enough, after listening to Jiang Dong's words, Ning Siqi's mood improved a lot, "My parents told me that too, they all said that you must be busy, let me ask you out if I have nothing to do..."

Ning Siqi realized that she had slipped her tongue, so she quickly stopped talking and changed the subject, "We just finished our military training this morning, do you have time?"

"There must be!" Jiang Dong rolled his eyes, "By the way, your school is in Dongpu District, right? I just want to go to Dongpu District!"

"Then it's a deal! Let's have lunch together! My roommates all want to meet you!" Ning Siqi's voice became softer as she spoke. It seemed that this sentence concealed a huge amount of information.

Jiang Dong knew what Ning Siqi wanted to express, maybe this Jiangshan beauty card could be used on Ning Siqi?

"No problem, you choose a place, and I'll treat you." Jiang Dong and Ning Siqi chatted for a few more words, and after confirming the time and place, they hung up the phone.

"I haven't seen Ning Siqi for almost a month. I should prepare some small gifts. Yes, maybe I can use the card tonight?" Siqi's pure and dull beautiful face.

Jiang Dong drove an Aston Martin one77, racing fast on the long streets of Shanghai.

Of course, in the face of Jiangdong's top luxury car, the drivers of Shanghai Demon City showed their most qualified side. Almost every car along the way gave way to Jiangdong's supercar. Entered Dongpu District unimpeded.

The prosperity of Dongpu District is far from that of Nanxian District. To put it bluntly, the two are crushing!

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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