The unreasonable cursing of the middle-aged woman seemed to give the little boy some courage, and he even started to attack the screen intensified...

What kind of parents really have, what kind of children there are.

The culprits of the bear children are actually the parents. After all, the parents are the first teachers of the children, and the children will learn from the parents in a subtle way, just like now!

"This is a public place, what does it have to do with whether I reserve the venue or not?" Jiang Dong laughed angrily, "Besides, the child is young and doesn't understand anything. Are you sure he doesn't understand anything? Give me another refund, the child is young, You are young too? The child drinks milk, do you also drink milk? Come! Drink one and let me see!"

Jiang Dong is not used to illness, everyone is a human for the first time, why let you?

"Why do you speak so badly?" The middle-aged woman put her hands on her hips, and immediately pulled away, "What you learned in school, have you learned it into the dog's belly?"

Facing the middle-aged woman's swearing, Jiang Dong sat calmly in his seat, and even shouted with a bit of a sense of ridicule: "I don't know where I learned what I learned in school, but I know it. People like you must have grown up eating shit!"

Whether it's bickering or cursing, Jiang Dong has never lost, even if the opponent is Miejue Shitai, Jiang Dong will not lose the wind!

"Uneducated thing! Bah!" The middle-aged woman was called a smoke from seven orifices by Jiang Dong's anger.

The middle-aged woman was about to fight back against Jiang Dong, but she didn't want to. The movie screening ended suddenly, and the lights in the theater suddenly turned on. Several staff members rushed into the theater immediately and began to check the big screen.

The little boy was taken aback, and hurriedly ran back to the middle-aged woman, and even made a face towards Jiangdong...

"This child..." Ning Siqi was completely speechless. It was indeed the first time she had seen such a child and such a parent.

"What's wrong with my child?" Because the movie ended, the theater was very quiet. Although Ning Siqi's voice was not loud, it was enough to reach the ears of the middle-aged woman. Immediately, the middle-aged woman pointed at Ning Siqi. Qi cursed loudly: "Just you guys from outside the city, why don't you come to Shanghai to make a living? What qualifications do you have to say about my child? Let me tell you, you can't afford the real estate in Shanghai after you have struggled for the rest of your life. Once my child is born There is!"

"Unreasonable!" Ning Siqi turned pale with anger, she is not Jiang Dong, she can't even swear, how could she be the opponent of a middle-aged woman?

"How did this rise to the height of the region again? Has the essence of the Tianlong people exploded?" Jiang Dong hugged Ning Siqi, gently massaging her fragrant shoulders, and said to the middle-aged woman with a smile: "Auntie, Is he your son?"

"Whose auntie? Ah!" The middle-aged woman jumped like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

"Auntie!" Jiang Dong said with a smirk: "Since he is your son, then you must be old enough to have a son? Hahaha! What a congratulations! I wish you a full house with children, and it is best that you can add new ones in your 70s and 80s! "

A house full of children and grandchildren was changed by Jiangdong to a house full of children, especially the last sentence, which is simply the essence of murder, madness, and cursing!

"" The middle-aged woman was so angry that Jiang Dong was speechless.

On the contrary, Ning Siqi couldn't help laughing out loud.

When it comes to swearing, Jiangdong is definitely the ceiling!

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