The middle-aged woman was so scolded by Jiang Dong that she had no power to fight back. At this moment, those few staff members also came over.

"Ma'am, our screen has been damaged. You need to pay for it." A middle-aged man in a suit and tie with short hair said sonorously.

"Compensation? Compensation for what?" The middle-aged woman continued to babble, "I didn't break it, so why should I pay for it?"

"Our movie theater is monitoring the equipment again. We have already recorded the whole process." The middle-aged man responded neither humble nor overbearing: "If this lady continues to be so unreasonable, we will call the police."

"Call the police? You call the police! I didn't break it!" The middle-aged woman was obviously a little guilty.

"The big screen was broken by this kid..."

Before the middle-aged man finished speaking, he was interrupted by the woman arrogantly, "He is still a child, what does he know?"

"He is indeed a child, but you are an adult and his guardian, so you have to pay compensation!" The middle-aged man refused to follow the pattern of bear parents protecting bear children, and insisted on demanding compensation from the middle-aged woman.

"Who made trouble out of no reason? I think it was you who made trouble out of no reason! I won't pay for it!" The middle-aged woman directly turned into a domineering state, and walked out holding her true self.

"Now is the age of technology. You can run away like a monk but not a temple. After we call the police, the police will find you very easily." The middle-aged man did not lose his footing at all because of the middle-aged woman's mischief, but said calmly: "If you want to leave, please feel free to do so. I can use this time to calculate our losses, such as the suspension of a few movies, the maintenance cost of the big screen, our lost wages, etc..."

"What is the calculation?" The middle-aged woman is panicking now, "You look at your big screen, can't you still show movies? Why should I pay compensation? You are blackmailing! Blackmailing!"

"Then please take a good look at it. The place where you were kicked and beaten just now has uneven lines. This will affect the viewing effect of the audience." The middle-aged man argued hard.

"Watching effect? ​​Just this movie theater of yours, not to mention guests, not even a ghost, who am I influencing me?" The middle-aged woman has brought unreasonable troubles to the extreme. Under her influence, how can the child not change? The truth of the bear?

"Hey hey hey!" Jiang Dong shouted, "Auntie, please be respectful, aren't we human?"

"You guys?" The middle-aged woman glared at Jiang Dong bitterly, her words and eyes were full of disdain, "You guys from outlanders come to live in our devil city, so don't be so arrogant!"

"I think you're even more arrogant." Jiang Dong looked at the middle-aged woman playfully.

"What's wrong with my arrogance? I have a house in Modu! Do you have one?" The middle-aged woman yelled loudly.

"A house in the devil's capital? I really don't have one!" Jiang Dong shrugged and shook his head with a smile.

What Jiang Dong said was true. He did not have a house in Shanghai. The top river view apartment in COFCO Haijing had already been given to Xia Xue, so it was not his house.

"You don't even have a house, so what right do you have to talk to me?" The middle-aged woman Tianlongren's character was undoubtedly revealed.

"It's true that I don't have a house, but..." Jiang Dong glanced at the middle-aged woman playfully, and then asked the middle-aged man, "Are you a staff member here? What's your name?"

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