"I am the manager here. My name is Zhang Qingshan. This gentleman, if necessary, I hope you can testify for us." The middle-aged man Zhang Qingshan took advantage of the situation and asked Jiang Dong for help. The ability to negotiate is indeed superhuman.

"Manager? Have you heard of Jiang Dong?" Jiang Dong asked lightly.

"Jiangdong..." Zhang Qingshan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized, "Mr. said, could it be the new boss of Shanghai Xingmei Cinemas, Jiangdong, Mr. Jiang?"

"Yes, this is Jiang Dong!" Jiang Dong pointed at himself after saying this, and then put his ID card in front of Zhang Qingshan, and said calmly, "Have you seen it clearly?"

"This..." Zhang Qingshan looked at Jiangdong's ID card, and he froze on the spot as if he had been shocked by an electric shock.

Although Zhang Qingshan has never met Jiangdong, he already has some basic information about Jiangdong. After all, he is the manager here, and his immediate boss has changed, so he must know it at the first time.

Especially the last four digits of Jiangdong's ID number, as well as Jiangdong's age, all match the rumors received by Zhang Qingshan, which shows that the young man with extraordinary reputation in front of him is his new immediate boss, Modu The big boss of Star Beauty Cinemas!

"Mr. Jiang!" Zhang Qingshan hastily bowed and saluted, "I didn't expect Mr. Jiang to come to our Xingmei Cinema in Dongpu District. It was my dereliction of duty to let Mr. Zhang watch such a joke. ..."

As soon as Zhang Qingshan's words came out, everyone was in an uproar, especially the middle-aged woman from Tianlong, and Ning Siqi who was beside Jiang Dong, were even more horrified...

"It's okay! I really appreciate your way of dealing with people, work hard!" Jiang Dong ignored everyone's astonishment, but only gave Zhang Qingshan a certain degree of affirmation, "And this matter, please hire the best lawyer in Shanghai , no matter how much money it costs, I will let these two brats return to their parents and get the punishment they deserve!"

"Mr. Jiang..." Zhang Qingshan leaned on Jiang Dong's side and said softly: "Actually, the maintenance fee and lost work fee are only 30,000 to 50,000 yuan. If we hire the best lawyers, plus the legal fees, it will cost at least a few tens of dollars." Wan, is it worth it?"

"It's worth it! Of course it's worth it!" Jiang Dong said decisively: "I don't care about money, I just want a fairness, the fairness of Xingmei Cinemas!"

Jiang Dong's words were so forceful that Zhang Qingshan was so startled that he was speechless for a while.

Finally, Zhang Qingshan came back to his senses, and the way he looked at Jiangdong became different, full of respect and admiration!

"Okay! Let's go!" Jiang Dong hugged Ning Siqi's slender waist.

It wasn't until this moment that Ning Siqi finally came back to her senses, and looked at Jiang Dong with shocking eyes, "When...when did you become the owner of Xingmei Cinemas?"

"I'm not only the boss here, I'm also the big boss of the eight Xingmei theaters in the seven districts and one county of Shanghai!" Jiang Dong cleverly skipped the questions he didn't want to answer, and used another amazing event to make him laugh. Ning Siqi continued to be surprised.

"My God..." Ning Siqi stood there dumbfounded as if in a dream, like a puppet on a string, letting Jiang Dong put her arms around her waist and walked out of the screening room.

Before Jiang Dong walked out of the screening hall, he still didn't forget to turn his head and say to the Tianlong woman: "By the way, I don't have real estate in Shanghai, but I have property, and this matter, I am the boss of Xingmei, so I To get justice for my company, I have prepared 10 million yuan to sue you, if you think you can win me by selling your house, then let's try!"

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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