In order to make the bear children and bear parents pay 30,000 to 50,000 yuan, and directly use 10 million yuan of funds, this is definitely a dimensionality reduction blow for Tianlong people!

This is also the reason why Jiang Dong doesn't like to pretend to beep with ordinary people. When someone takes out a kitchen knife, even if Jiang Dong moves his finger, it is of nuclear weapons level. This kind of beep is simply boring to pretend.

At least Jiang Dong thinks so.

After saying this, Jiang Dong left the screening room with Ning Siqi in his arms, leaving only the Tianlong Ren Xiong's parents who were still crying...

"Now, immediately sue the child's guardian! No matter how much money is spent, we must seek justice for ourselves!" Zhang Qingshan instructed the staff around him, and quickly chased after Jiangdong.

"Don't tell me! I know I'm wrong! I will definitely educate my children when I go back!" The Tianlong woman began to yell, but her yelling was useless, because both Jiang Dong and Zhang Qingshan had already left the screening hall .

Next, Tianlong women will definitely be punished by law.

Some people must be punished for making mistakes.

Some things, derived from the roots of morality and literacy, have nothing to do with age.

Not everything can be solved with the sentence "he is still a child". Longguo style doting is not protecting the child, but poisoning the child.

"Mr. Jiang..." Zhang Qingshan quickly chased him out of the auditorium, and ran to Jiangdong, who hadn't gone far.

"Is there something wrong?" Jiang Dong stopped and turned to look at Zhang Qingshan.

"Mr. Jiang, if you have time, can you hold a meeting for us to discuss the next step of operation?" Zhang Qingshan said in shame: "Xingmei's business share in Shanghai is being gradually eroded, and we have already begun to move towards Lost..."

"Then call me all the eight people in charge and gather here within an hour." Jiang Dong said lightly, and then added: "By the way, show my girlfriend the movie just now again. Finished watching!"

"Okay! I'll make arrangements now! Mr. Jiang and Mrs. please go to the VIP hall first, there are no stalls there yet!" Zhang Qingshan said respectfully: "I'll arrange for people to play the video right away, and besides..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Qingshan stopped, took out a card made of pure gold from his body, held it in both hands, and handed it to Ning Siqi respectfully, "Ma'am, this is a supreme gold card of China Film Star Beauty. If you take out this card, you can get free of charge at any place in Longguo Zhongyingxingmei. After all, our Zhongyingxingmei has a relatively high turnover rate of employees, and almost every first- and second-tier city has our business. It is inevitable that some people do not know Mrs. Avoid misunderstandings."

"This..." Ning Siqi hesitated.

"Take it, I'm the second largest shareholder of China Film Xingmei." Jiang Dong gave Ning Siqi a reassurance, and Ning Siqi readily accepted it.

"Okay, you go to the movies, I'll give him some tasks." Jiang Dong patted Ning Siqi's round back, causing Ning Siqi to roll her eyes.

"Then I'll go to the movies." Ning Siqi is not the kind of person who likes to make petty temper. On the contrary, she showed all-round and unconditional tolerance for Jiang Dong's work problems. The second largest shareholder must be very busy, she has no reason to drag Jiang Dong to watch a movie with her.

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