Ning Siqi went to the VIP Hall No. 1. This time, it was not only a space chair and a big sofa, but also a private room. There was no popcorn, and it was replaced by fruit plate desserts, coffee and red wine...

Ning Siqi fell in love with the movie, and Zhang Qingshan led Jiang Dong to his general manager's office.

For Zhang Qingshan, Jiang Dong is still very satisfied. He is definitely a character with comprehensive skills and attributes. To put it bluntly, he is the enhanced version of Wei You, and then strengthened a wave.

Jiang Dong walked into the office with a simple and modern style, and sat on the sofa, "Tell me about the current situation of China Film Xingmei, and I want you to express your opinion."

"Okay, Mr. Jiang." Zhang Qingshan introduced the situation of China Film Xingmei while making tea for Jiangdong.

"Although China Film Xingmei is a large group and has completed the listing, in fact, we are fighting on our own.

"To put it simply, each shareholder will be responsible for the money they earn or lose, that is, they are responsible for their own profits and losses. In layman's terms, China Film Xingmei is now in a state of disunity!"

"The largest shareholder, Jin Dongxu, owns 25% of the shares, and his influence in Longjing is very large. Next is our Magic City Department. With a 20% stake, we become the second largest shareholder of China Film Star Beauty, apart from the Longjing Department and Magic City. Except for all departments, the rest of the minority shareholders are not worth mentioning."

"There is no cohesion, and there is no real speaker, which makes Xingmei difficult and unable to compete with other theaters."

"The most important doubt is that we, Xingmei, do not have our own entertainment company. This is the key to widening the gap between Xingmei and our competitors!"

"In the future, if Xingmei can't solve the two issues of cooperation with entertainment companies and integrating the board of directors, Xingmei's ranking will continue to drop, or even go bankrupt!"

After Zhang Qingshan said so many words, he subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. Immediately, while pouring tea for Jiangdong, he sneaked a nervous look at Jiangdong.

Zhang Qingshan knows that this new boss is definitely not simple, this can already be seen from the momentum.

He also knew that his performance just now was very good, and he had won a lot of impression points from the new boss, and now it was time for the new boss to test his true strength.

If you pass the test, you will definitely be flying into the sky. If you can't pass the test, you will lose this opportunity.

Therefore, Zhang Qingshan almost said all the things that he would not dare to say at ordinary times.

Opportunities, sometimes only come across once in a lifetime.

If you catch it, you catch it, if you can't catch it, it will never appear again.

"Entertainment company? Integrate Xingmei?" Jiang Dong couldn't help laughing out loud after hearing Zhang Qingshan's words. Isn't this exactly what he has and what he wants most?

Overtaking Jin Dongxu to become the largest shareholder of SMI within 99 days requires the integration of SMI, and helping SMI, which is currently ranked seventeenth, to return to the top ten requires the cooperation of the Eastern Group...

It is indeed a legendary system!

It's just so enjoyable!

"Mr. Jiang has a plan?" Zhang Qingshan couldn't help being happy when he saw Jiang Dong's expression.

He has worked in Xingmei for twenty years, from a handyman to the position of general manager. His feelings for Xingmei cannot be described simply by the word "hire"!

"I really have an idea." Jiang Dong took a sip of his tea and smiled lightly, "Let's talk about it when everyone is here."

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