Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 989: Little Shrimp and Little Cat (Part 2)

"Okay!" Zhang Qingshan nodded and called everyone to go upstairs.

It wasn't until they walked halfway that Jiang Dong and Ning Siqi didn't keep up.

Involuntarily, everyone began to look for Jiang Dong's figure, only to find that Jiang Dong was wandering in the lobby with Ning Siqi, after all Ning Siqi was very interested in the decoration style of this hotel.

"Let's go! Wait for Mr. Jiang!" Zhang Qingshan turned around and said to Tao Yong and the others.

Everyone agreed one by one, and even Tao Yong had to bite the bullet and go down the stairs again to wait for Jiangdong.

There is no way, the Porsche incident just now, everyone has been shocked by Jiang Dong, and even the unconvinced energy in their hearts has been slightly reduced...

However, Jiang Dong on the other side was wandering in the hall with Ning Siqi, at this moment, a voice mixed with doubts and surprises entered the ears of Jiang Dong and the others, "Ning Siqi?"

Jiang Dong and Ning Siqi immediately looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a very arrogant looking young man in Dior clothes and a green water ghost watch. Looking at Ning Siqi's so glamorous pretty face.

"You are..." Ning Siqi wrinkled beautifully and looked at the person who came, it was obvious that Ning Siqi didn't know him.

"I'm a junior in the Computer Department of the Aviation Academy, and my name is Gao Ruhai." The young man reported himself, "It's fate to meet you, and I'll treat you to dinner!"

"Sorry, I came with my friends." Ning Siqi coldly rejected Gao Ruhai, and after she finished speaking, she hugged Jiang Dong's arm, looking very intimate.

This made Gao Ruhai split instantly.

Even Ning Siqi could tell that Gao Ruhai was interested in her, how obvious should Gao Ruhai's "meaning" be?

"It's okay, I invited you together!" Gao Ruhai was very upset, but in order to show his demeanor and bearing in front of Ning Siqi, he could only force a smile and even wanted to show off, "My family is in the seafood business, Dongpu District Many restaurants have cooperated with my family, and the seafood in Haigang Fishing Village is my family's supply!"

Gao Ruyang puffed out his chest triumphantly, he knew very well what women want nowadays, the purpose of reporting his family name was to tell Ning Siqi that his family was very powerful and rich.

Now that the link of self-declaration is completed, it is natural to step on the rival...

"This is..." After Gao Ruhai finished speaking, he paused on purpose, changed the topic, and said with a soft sneer, "Excuse me, where is this gentleman?"

Gao Ruhai used crappy social behavior to test Jiangdong, but Jiangdong laughed lightly. The four words "human like a dog" are too appropriate to describe Gao Ruhai.

"I haven't graduated yet, I'm in freshman year." After Jiang Dong said this, he pulled Ning Siqi to leave.

Jiang Dong is too lazy to talk nonsense with this kind of small shrimp, because he is not as good as Tao Yong's group of small cats.

Unexpectedly, Gao Ruhai chased after him as if he had caught a soft persimmon.

"Hey! Little guy, don't rush away!" Gao Ruhai seemed to find an outlet for the flood in his heart, with a winner's smile on his lips, he shouted to Jiang Dong loudly: "You don't have to be discouraged, why don't you come here?" My company, I'll find you a job, how about it? Don't leave! Bring classmate Ning Siqi to this kind of place for dinner, you must plan to eat steamed buns for the rest of this month? You are too young, some places are not you This kind of person can come!"

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