Gao Ruhai's voice immediately attracted the attention of many diners.

What is the most lacking thing in Longguo people?

Watch the fun!

To paraphrase an old saying, never underestimate a heart that eats melons!

"Young people nowadays really don't know how to save money."

"Parents worked hard to make money, but this kind of young people know how to squander their parents' hard-earned money if they don't learn well."

"Looking at him wearing Louis Vuitton, I'm afraid he's not A-grade?"

"Sure! So you think this young man can afford the real thing?"

"Let me just say, young people nowadays are too impetuous!"

There were discussions all around, all of which were words of contempt for Jiangdong.

As for Gao Ruhai, he was naturally extremely happy.

At this moment, Zhang Qingshan and his group returned to Jiang Dong's side, and the audience fell silent for a moment.

Zhang Qingshan's group is very personable, and there are many people in the hall who know the eight heads of Xingmei, the magic city. Everyone is about to stand up and say hello, but they don't want to, they saw the most shocking scene...

I saw that the eight masters stood behind Jiang Dong in unison, lowering their heads slightly, as if waiting for Jiang Dong to walk past them...

The most exaggerated thing is that Zhang Qingshan stood up at this time, and asked Jiang Dong respectfully on behalf of the eight masters: "Mr. Jiang, this person seems to have some problems with his mind, let me solve it!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Qingshan's eyes fell on Gao Ruhai's body, and for the first time, his eyes exuded fierce killing intent!

"What are you looking at?" Gao Ruhai was a little flustered, but based on the idea that he couldn't lose face in front of Ning Siqi, and he had already preconceived that Jiang Dong was nothing, he even felt that Zhang Qingshan was also nothing. Naturally, he was impolite, "Do you know who I am? How dare you look at me like this?"

"Boy, are you arrogant?" Jiang Dong patted Zhang Qingshan on the shoulder, motioning him not to move, and then looked at Gao Ruhai with a smile, "Then let me ask you, do you know him, or do you know who they are? ?"

"Who is it?" Gao Ruhai asked casually with a look of disdain.

"Come on!" Jiang Dong waved to the eight masters, "Let me introduce myself to this boss Gao Ruhai!"

"General Manager of Xingmei Cinemas in Dongpu District, Zhang Qingshan!"

"The general manager of Xingmei Cinemas in the urban area, Tao Yong!"


The eight heads stared at Gao Ruhai with stupid eyes.

After Zhang Qingshan self-declared his family, Gao Ruhai's face became stiff, and when it came to Tao Yong, until all eight masters had completed their self-declaration, Gao Ruhai was completely stunned...

The eight heads of the Xingmei Theater in Shanghai gathered together, then, the identity of the young man surrounded by them...

Gao Ruhai couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to believe it even more. After swallowing his saliva with difficulty, he still expected a miracle to happen. Immediately, Gao Ruhai shouted out of breath: "You said you are Zhang Qingshan, Tao Yong, Are you? I also said that I am..."

Before Gao Ruhai could finish speaking, the fat manager had already run down the stairs. Judging by his light footsteps, he definitely didn't look like a fat man weighing more than two hundred pounds...

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Tao, all the bosses!" The fat manager greeted everyone respectfully, and finally set his sights on Jiang Dong and Ning Siqi, bowed slightly, and said to them respectfully: "You two distinguished guests, Please go upstairs, the private room has been packed, and the supreme seafood set meal is being prepared..."

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