Lin Feng's smile became brighter and brighter, he looked at the two of them, and said thoughtfully: "I guess what you are thinking in your hearts, well, Wang Dakui is quite honest and ready to give it all out, but Zhang Tiedan, you are not very obedient." "

Lin. . . Lin Feng. You.. What do you mean?"

Zhang Tiedan's heart beat faster, and when Lin Feng's eyes looked at him like this, he suddenly felt cold all over, and those eyes seemed to be able to penetrate his soul.

"What do I mean? Let me guess what you think, first make up nonsense to fool me, and then when you get out, go to your eldest brother Chen Ming immediately?

Lin Feng, don't talk nonsense, I. I didn't think so.

Although he denied it, his weak expression had already betrayed him.

"Isn't it? Are you in a hurry now, you plan to find Chen Ming to do it in advance, but I really didn't see it, your heart is quite ruthless in this village. "

Lin Feng, let me go, I'm also for money, I said, I'll say anything.

Zhang Tiedan was so frightened that he couldn't possess his body, in his impression, when Lin Feng left the village, he was a wooden and introverted person, but he hadn't seen him for a few years, and the other party seemed to have completely changed, which was really terrifying.

Lin Feng glanced at Ah Cheng beside him, who nodded and returned to the house, and soon appeared in front of the two of them with a suitcase in his hand.


The suitcase was opened, and the lid was opened, and the eyes of Tie Dan and Da Kui stared out, and a box full of soft girl coins appeared in front of them, and the two of them looked dull and couldn't say a word.

"It's almost 500,000 here, do you two want to do it?"


The two raised their heads at the same time, looking at Lin Feng in shock.

"Give. . . Give it to us?"

"Why don't you want it?"

The two looked at each other, their eyes showing greed, so much money, they had never seen it in their lives.

"You... Are you really giving it to us?"

"Of course, but from now on you have to listen to me, how about it?"

The two of them nodded quickly.

"Lin Feng, don't worry, from now on, I will be your person.

"Me too, if there is anything, even if you tell us, we will definitely do it for you.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "This 500,000 is my reward for you in advance, as long as you make me satisfied, there will be countless 500,000 follow-ups, from now on, I need to know Chen Ming's every move."

Zhang Tiedan suddenly showed a flattering smile.

"Lin Feng, no, it's Mr. Lin, Da Kui and I don't actually want to follow Chen Ming, but we can't help ourselves, don't worry, from now on his whereabouts, we will tell you as soon as possible."

"Yes, yes, we were actually forced

Lin Feng looked at his watch and said with a smile: "It's not too early, you go back first, I'll go find you." Tie

Dan and Da Kui never dreamed that not only would they be fine, but Lin Feng also gave them 500,000, which was too much compared to Chen Ming's empty checks.

Until the backs of the two disappeared, Liu Ruoxi asked suspiciously: "Just let them go?" Lin Feng, don't you underestimate these people, this kind of ruffian has no bottom line.

At this time, Ah Cheng, who was beside him, suddenly smiled.

"Miss, don't worry, this money is not taken for nothing, Mr. Lin is professional in digging pits.

Liu Ruoxi was stunned for a moment, and said angrily: "Ah Cheng, something is wrong with you, I think you are a little like you want to rebel?"


Ah Cheng scratched his head and smiled innocently, his personality has really changed drastically from before.

"Ruoxi, am I so stupid? The money is so easy to take? They have a life to take this money, but they don't have a life to spend it, and the 500,000 yuan is not mine.

"Not yours?"

Ah Cheng said softly at this time: "Miss, this money is their boss Chen Ming, I took the time to go to his house before, and I came out, Mr. Lin said, Zhang Tiedan and Wang Dakui are both greedy for money, and they owe usury outside, and the two of them will not share the spoils peacefully."

"Lin Feng, what do you mean?"

"Tomorrow something big will happen in Yang Village, and the two ruffians will fight for 500,000 unequal spoils, and both of them will die in the end.

Lin Feng's words startled Liu Ruoxi.

"Will they die?"

"Hmph, it's just two scumbags, and those who try to poison the village are a scourge to keep.

"Lin Feng, how did you know this?"

"It's a secret.

Lin Feng smiled mysteriously, Liu Ruoxi pursed his lips and stopped asking, similar to this kind of magical thing, he had seen too much in Lin Feng.

"Let's go, go back and rest, just watch the excitement tomorrow. "

At about 2 o'clock in the evening, in a very dilapidated bungalow in the southwest corner of Yang Village, under the dim fluorescent lamp, a box of soft girl coins was placed on the table.

Tie Dan swallowed, his eyes lit up.

"Da Kui, this is 500,000 yuan, and the loan shark I owe can finally be paid off.

Da Kui didn't speak, but his eyes were red at the moment.

"Tiedan, is it a brother, I owe more than 400,000 loan sharks to the bald head, he said, if you don't take out the money within a month, you will have to kill me, why don't you let me pay it back first?"

Tie Dan was stunned.

"What do you mean, Da Kui, do you want to monopolize this money?"

"Tie Dan, I owe more than you, this money should be given to me, for so many years, we are the three heroes of Yang Village, Brother Ming is the boss, you are the second, I am doing all the dirty work, and I am the most beaten, and this money is mine."

Wang Dakui suddenly snatched the box into his hand.

"Tie Dan let me this time, didn't Lin Feng say it? He will give us money later, you don't have to worry.

Wang Dakui's eyes were red, and he turned around and walked out the door.

When he came back to his senses, Tie Dan suddenly roared: "You come back for me, you want to swallow this money for myself?

However, Wang Dakui ignored him at all and walked straight out of the door.

At this time, Zhang Tiedan, who was in a hurry, suddenly saw a shovel on the side of the door, and at this moment he was angry in his heart, and evil was born to the side of his heart.

A brisk stride rushed to the door, picked up the shovel, he used almost all his strength, and slapped Wang Dakui on the back of the head without hesitation.

At 4 o'clock in the morning, at the entrance of Yangcun Village, Chen Ming squinted his eyes and staggered into the village, his heart was happy, and he felt that he was going to turn over.

But anyone who has some ability is not willing to be a second-rate child for the rest of his life.

Before he knew it, he had come to the southwest corner of the village, and from a distance he saw the lights of the houses in the distance.

"These two boys are back, go and see, if there is any new news.

While thinking, Chen Ming came to the side of the house, but the moment he pushed open the dilapidated wooden door, a pungent smell of blood came, and then the smile on his face suddenly froze.


The author has something to say:

Are there any readers who are reading? I feel so cold, there are no comments, and there are not many urges.

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