Inside the bungalow, it's like hell on earth.

The tables and chairs around them fell to the ground, and at this moment, Wang Dakui and Zhang Tiedan fell to the ground, their eyes glaring, and their expressions still maintained the hideousness before death.

Chen Ming was dumbfounded, and it took him 5 minutes to come back to his senses.

The surroundings began to tremble, he had never seen such a scene before.


Suddenly he felt a tumbling in his stomach, and he began to vomit wildly while holding on to the door.

Suddenly, he frowned, looked at a box beside the two of them, and suddenly felt a little frightened in his heart.

At first, he was a little familiar, but after resisting his nausea and confirming it again and again, he could be sure that this was the safe with 500,000 under his bed.

However, at this moment, it appeared strangely here.

"How could this be, how did they die, why did this money appear here?" The

cold sweat on Chen Ming's forehead began to burst out at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at this moment he was frightened and his soul was not possessed.

"What should I do? Yes, run, run first.

As he was about to leave, he seemed to remember something, gritted his teeth, returned to the house, and began to grab the bloodstained money and put it in the box.

This money was given to him privately by Boss Huang, why did he suddenly appear here, he didn't have time to take care of it, but he had to take it away, this is a full 500,000 yuan.

Outside, the sky was getting brighter.

By the time he packed up his money and picked up his suitcase to leave, it was already 5:30 a.m.

At the moment, his heart was very nervous.

When he walked out of the bungalow, turned his head and looked deeply at the two people who had died tragically, he felt a chill in his heart.

However, at this moment, a deafening scream suddenly sounded, startling him.

An early riser happened to be passing by, and when he saw Chen Ming, he wanted to leave quickly, so as not to be entangled by this scoundrel, but she inadvertently glanced at the inside of the bungalow, and suddenly screamed in fright, and sat on the ground.

Chen Ming suddenly came back to his senses, and his face suddenly turned extremely pale.

"They... I didn't kill them, you believe me, they were like that when I came back.".

"Ah~~~~~ kill... Killing. The

calm morning of the village was shattered, and ten minutes later, Zhang Tiedan's front door was full of people, and in a few moments the police from the nearby county rushed over.

At 8:30 in the morning, the forest soldiers hurriedly returned home after doing farm work.

At this time, Yang Julan was chatting with Liu Ruoxi, and the more he looked at this girl, the more he liked it.

"What's the matter? In a hurry, didn't you see any guests there?"

"Alan, something happened, Zhang Tiedan and Wang Dakui died, and the police came."


Yang Julan exhaled a turbid breath, and her face showed a hint of pleasure.

"That's how it should be, these three people, who are idle on weekdays and bully men and women in the village, are they retribution, right?"

Lin Feng and the three of them glanced at each other.

"Dad, this kind of black sheep, if he dies, he will die, there is nothing to be sorry for, most of them are like this because of the uneven distribution of spoils, think about it, where did the three of them get 500,000? There must be some shady deeds in it.

Lin Feng's words made Lin Bing stunned, and suddenly he nodded and said, "Xiao Feng is right, I heard that a large dose of paraquat was found in Zhang Tiedan's house, and now the police suspect that they are preparing to poison it."

"Let's go, let's see.

Lin Feng greeted him, Liu Ruoxi, and Ah Cheng got up and followed Lin Feng out of the house.

"Xiaofeng pay attention to safety, don't cause trouble.

Yang Julan greeted, but the three of them had long since disappeared.

When Lin Feng came to Zhang Tiedan's house, the periphery was already full of people, and a yellow cordon was set up all around.

At this time, the police had already sealed off the scene of the crime, the two bodies were lying on the ground covered with white cloths, and Chen Ming was handcuffed, his head was lowered, and his face was dazed.

"These evil spirits have finally paid the price, they deserve it, the 500,000 must be stolen money.

"Haven't you heard? Potent poison was found in their house, and now it is suspected that they are going to poison it.

"It's terrible, do they want to poison all of us?"

"The police in the county can't handle this matter, the technical means are not enough, I heard that it has been accepted by the city, I think this wave of Chen Ming is finished." At

this point, three policemen came out of the house.

One of the middle-aged policemen who took the lead said coldly: "Take him back, the above has already taken over this matter, and the scene must be watched, no one can get close to here until the case is over."

Chen Ming's heart was blank, he looked at the ground with dull eyes, everything was perfect, but something happened at a critical moment.

He was very puzzled in his heart, why Tie Dan and Da Kui killed each other, and why his money came here again.

At this moment, Chen Ming suddenly felt that someone outside the crowd seemed to be watching him.

He raised his head suddenly, and a pair of dark pupils looked at him with a smile on his face.

I saw Lin Feng smiling and looking directly at each other.

Chen Ming was stunned for a moment, but his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and at this moment he found that Lin Feng's smile was like a devil.

"It's you. It must be you, damn it, I'm going to kill you.

Chen Ming suddenly went crazy, but was pressed to the ground by the police behind him in an instant.

"Hmph, don't pretend to be crazy and stupid here, I know your background very well, and I am also a frequent visitor to the county police station, cooperate a little, otherwise you will feel good, take it away."

As soon as the middle-aged policeman waved his hand, Chen Ming was forcibly pulled up and escorted in the direction of the police car.

"Let go of me, I didn't kill people, I was wronged, let me go.

Chen Ming's emotions suddenly became excited, and he looked in the direction where Lin Feng was with a look of madness and fear.

At this moment, Lin Feng's smile became stronger and stronger, he suddenly opened his mouth and said to Chen Ming with his mouth: Goodbye.

Chen Ming's eyes changed, his face turned red, he was wronged, he didn't kill people, but now he can't argue.

The people around him kept pointing at him, their eyes full of joy and schadenfreude, as if he had been caught as a matter of course.

Suddenly, he began to struggle desperately.

"It's really dishonest, do you want to arrest violently?",

"I confess, I confess everything, I really didn't kill people, but I know what's going on with those poisons, I'll tell you everything, but I'm not a murderer." The

crowd around them fell silent for a moment, and the policeman who took the lead frowned and looked at each other coldly.


, I swear, I didn't kill anyone, someone gave me this money to poison the water in the village well, I can take you to him." --

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Sixth Update! Ask for support !!!

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