It's nearly three o'clock in the afternoon.

In the Cloud Teahouse, An Liang glanced at the time. He sent a WeChat message to Liang Xue to see if Liang Xue was still in the Imperial Capital. If Liang Xue was in the Imperial Capital, he would get together with Liang Xue before leaving the Imperial Capital.

‘An Liang: Are you still in the Imperial Capital?’

‘Liang Xue: Hello, Mr. An, I am Russell Fen, and Xue Xue is filming.’

‘An Liang: Was it shot in the Imperial Capital, or on location?’

‘Liang Xue: A photo studio in the Gentle District of the Imperial Capital’

‘Liang Xue: Mr. An, do you have something? If you have something, I will help tell Xuexue’

‘An Liang: It’s nothing. I’ll take some time to come over and visit the class later.’

‘Liang Xue: Okay, Mr. An, please tell me in advance and I will pick you up.’

‘An Liang: No problem. After finishing the chat

, An Liang secretly planned to visit the crew before leaving the imperial capital.

Although Liang Xue, a young actress, has a very clear positioning, she is still her own woman, and she should still care about what she should care about.


On the endless sea, a huge transport ship is slowly moving forward. There are a large number of containers stacked on the transport ship. Naturally, these containers contain various rubber products.

This huge transport ship is the Bald Eagle National Navy transport ship. It is rushing to the Bao Province area with all its strength, thereby alleviating the shortage crisis of rubber products in the Bao Province area.

In the cab, Captain Lawrence was smoking.

Third Officer Kim reported the situation,"BOSS, there is an abnormality in the weather. According to my experience, this situation is a bit like the scene before a storm."

Second Officer Hogan was also a third officer, and he also has very rich meteorological experience. ,"BOSS, I agree with Kim. There is indeed a problem with the current weather conditions."

Captain Lawrence asked,"What about the feedback from the weather satellite?"

Third Officer Kim responded,"We cannot receive information from the weather satellite for the time being. I suspected that there was a problem with the shipboard equipment, but after investigation, no problem was found."

Lawrence thought silently for a few seconds,"Contact the headquarters through the satellite phone and ask the headquarters to help determine the weather information."

Third Officer Kim answered negatively,"Our satellite phone is also malfunctioning. I suspect there is a problem with the satellite antenna, but replacing it with a new satellite antenna still has no effect."

Second Officer Hogan answered,"Check the entire satellite antenna system to see if it is It's not a line problem."

The third officer responded distressedly,"I just checked it and there is no problem. There is no problem with the entire system of the satellite antenna, including all the lines, but there is a problem with the satellite communication."

Captain Lawrence said ,"Kim, Hogan, can you judge whether it will affect us if bad weather occurs?"

Third Officer Kim responded first,"It is impossible to determine at the moment. According to the satellite weather information before our departure, our voyage It should be calm, so we can carry more cargo."

Third Officer Kim continued,"In case of extremely bad weather, we are very likely to have unexpected situations when we are overloaded."

Second Officer Hogan seconded ,"Yes, BOSS, we are carrying too much cargo now. If we encounter extreme circumstances, unexpected situations may occur."

Captain Lawrence flicked the ashes of his cigarette and looked through the glass of the cab as the outside became more and more crowded. The sky was gloomy, he sighed,"Is the probability of extreme weather high?"

Third Officer Kim and Second Officer Hogan looked at each other. They exchanged glances, and finally Third Officer Kim, who was in charge of meteorological work, responded.

"Not sure yet."Third Officer Kim responded.

"But judging from the current situation, I think the probability of extreme weather exists. After all, we are in the open sea, and I have already felt the changes in air pressure."Third Officer Kim explained.

Second Officer Hogan nodded in confirmation,"I also feel the change in air pressure. Captain Lawrence asked,"

Do you have any suggestions?""

This time it was Second Officer Hogan who spoke first,"Because the satellite communication system has failed, we are unable to obtain the corresponding weather information. In view of such an abnormal situation, I personally recommend speeding up the voyage and getting out of this stormy area as soon as possible."

Storms at sea generally have an area. In modern navigation activities, through the cooperation of weather satellites, the storm area can basically be bypassed.

Who has nothing to do to impact the storm area?

Although modern ships are far more advanced in technology Ancient ships have been equipped with numerous anti-capsize technologies, including fin stabilizers, a god-level anti-capsize design.

But no one is willing to face the storm head-on.

Why bother when you can go around it safely? What about death?

It’s just that this Bald Eagle Country transport ship has entered the storm area, and the storm is about to brew. According to the slow speed of the transport ship, it is very difficult to break through the storm area. The only hope now is to rely on The transport ship's huge tonnage, exquisite modern wind and wave-resistant design, solid structure, and excellent materials can withstand the storm.

What the final result will be, you can only pray to God!

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