Humanity's technology is indeed very advanced, but we still need to maintain awe of the ocean.

The ocean is even more mysterious than the moon!

Twelve humans have been to the moon, but only three have entered the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the ocean.

Humanity has almost clearly mapped the topography of the moon, but has only explored a very small part of the underwater world, even less than 10%.

Modernly designed ships are not necessarily absolutely safe when facing strong winds and waves.

Amid the power of nature, high-tech creations are sometimes as vulnerable as toys.

This transport ship from the Bald Eagle Kingdom encountered the power of nature!

Captain Lawrence decided to adopt Second Officer Hogan's suggestion. He ordered,"Full speed ahead!"

First Mate Jeff repeated Captain Lawrence's order and ordered the entire crew to execute the Captain's order.

In order to save fuel and ensure the best fuel economy, the transport ship that was sailing slowly suddenly accelerated to escape from the storm area.

However, the storm came too quickly!

I have never experienced the calm before the storm at all, it is directly the storm coming!

Big raindrops fell in sporadic torrents, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a downpour. The cab's observation window could not clearly see what was going on outside, and even the wipers had no effect.

What role do wipers play in a downpour?

As soon as it was blown over, it was covered by rain again, and it couldn't last even a second.

To be honest, just a heavy downpour has no impact on modern ships at all. After all, how can modern ships be overwhelmed by rain?

But rain is often the first step.

The second step is the strong wind!

Third Officer Kim reported the weather situation,"BOSS, the current wind level has reached level 6, and it is still strengthening rapidly!"

Level 6 wind force is already a strong wind level.

The wind speed at this level reaches 10.8 to 13.8 meters per second. It can set off three-meter-high waves in the sea, and the highest wave can reach four meters. For ordinary civilian fishing boats, this kind of wave is already very big. Danger.

This time, the Bald Eagle Country's ship responsible for transporting rubber products came from the Navy, so naturally it was not afraid of waves of this level.

But wind levels are still rising rapidly...

Just a few minutes later, Third Officer Kim continued to report,"BOSS, the wind level has reached level 7 and is increasing faster. It is expected to increase to level 8 within two minutes." A hint of worry flashed in Captain Lawrence's eyes.

Third Officer Kim is really well versed in meteorology!

Just as Third Officer Kim predicted, at one minute and fifty seconds, the wind level increased to level 8, and it was not the end.

Third Officer Kim's expression was ugly,"BOSS, we are in trouble. The wind speed is increasing very fast. We may have entered a storm. If my guess is correct, it is estimated that the wind level will break through in three minutes." to level 9, and break through to level 10 within five minutes."

If the wind reaches level 10, the wind speed can reach 24.5 to 28.4 meters per second.

Ordinary people may not have a clear idea of ​​this speed. After all, it is only more than twenty meters, which seems very ordinary?

But what about converting it to 89 kilometers per hour to 102 kilometers per hour?

Wind speeds of this level can easily uproot trees, cause very serious damage, and set off huge waves of at least 9 meters in height on the ocean.

If heavy rain does no harm to modern ships, then huge waves may cause losses to modern ships.

Especially the huge wave with a height of nine meters!

Everything was as predicted by Third Officer Kim. In just four minutes, the wind level increased to level 10. The entire transport ship was bumpy and there was a harsh sound of metal twisting and deforming.

That’s the sound of the container’s fixing pins deforming!

Captain Lawrence had a gloomy look on his face.

The first mate Jeff's expression was also very ugly. He knew that they were in big trouble. They broke into a storm. This situation was really bad.

Second Officer Hogan had fastened his seat belt to avoid accidents during the bumps.

Third Officer Kim is checking the weather information. There is an anemometer on the ship. The anemometer can basically determine the situation.

"Another bad news!"Third Officer Kim had a look of panic in his eyes,"The wind speed has increased too fast and has no intention of weakening at all. Judging from the current situation, we have entered a storm area where a typhoon is forming."

"This is terrible!"Third mate Kim was already feeling a little desperate.

First mate Jeff cursed,"All the people in the weather department are idiots. They can't judge the typhoon on the route. If we go back safely this time, I will definitely blow their heads!"

Second Officer Hogan has already begun to pray silently.

Captain Lawrence began to write the captain's diary. He had a bad feeling that if the wind level continued to strengthen, their ship might really be destroyed.

After all, what would they do after the typhoon formed? Avoid it?

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