Neon, Intelligence Investigation Bureau.

In the Office of the Chief of the Fourth Investigation Section of the Department of Overseas Affairs, faced with Asakura Kaito's hesitation, Tamura Sozora could understand, because he had already guessed what Tamura Sozora meant.

The previous car accident in the first group of the Fourth Investigation Section was too coincidental. If An Liang was really behind the scenes, the other party must have an accurate grasp of the first group's movement trajectory.

To put it simply, the other party has a mole in Neon’s Intelligence and Investigation Bureau!

Asakura Kaito did not dare to express such suspicions.

Tamura Sokora didn't say anything, both of them tacitly understood that this possibility was not completely impossible.

Jun Egawa understood the confusion between Kaito Asakura and Kaito Tamura. He couldn't help but interjected,"Section Chief Tamura, Team Leader Asakura, I have an idea."

Soku Tamura and Kaito Asakura looked at each other. Jiang Chuanjun

"Do you have any idea?"Tamura Sokora asked

"Why are we investigating the target this time?"Shun Egawa asked.

Tamura Sokora and Asakura Kaito looked at each other first, and then showed a thoughtful look.

Why did they investigate Yasuo?

Because the guys from the Ministry of Economic Affairs Investigation Division threw away the investigation work, saying that they were investigating by the Ministry of Economic Affairs The class was unable to complete this task.

Asakura Kaito looked at Tamura Sokora,"Section Chief, is there a problem over there? Tamura

Sokora shook his head,"We can't be sure, but we can hand the case back and let the other party investigate, and then we'll see what the other party's choice is.""

After the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau made a decision, it quickly transferred the case back to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, saying that it was an economic case and should be handled by the investigation section of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

When Naoto Sanguan received the news, he felt like he was vomiting blood. The feeling of going round and round has come back?

What the hell is this?

Xia Kingdom, Tianfu.

An Liang doesn't know the situation over there in Neon. He is reading"Mathematical Analysis II" and the notes taken by Bai Yue. Through self-study, An Liang Quickly mastering relevant knowledge.

The study time passed by in a hurry, and it was already Friday time. An Liang returned the"Mathematical Analysis II" textbook and notebook to Bai Yue. In just one week, An Liang had mastered this The content of this book.

This is probably the special talent brought by the winner system in life?

At noon.

An Liang and Bai Yue finished lunch in the cafeteria, and he received a message from Qin Tianxiang.

Qin Tianxiang: Mr. An, from the Investigation Section of the Neon Economic Ministry Section Chief San Guan Nao Ren sent an email to Anxin Investment Company, hoping to talk to you.

An Liang looked at the message sent by Qin Tianxiang, and he secretly wondered in his heart, this San Guan Nao Ren had been to Tianfu before, and was almost harmed by Yun Haiyang. I can't go back.

Why do you still have the guts to come here now?

Didn't you restrict the other party's entry in the first place?

Could it be that the other party used an official identity to apply for entry?

An Liang: The other party is already in Tianfu?

Qin Tianxiang: Yes, we have mastered the other party's whereabouts accurately. Generally speaking, the other party did not hide his whereabouts, nor did he investigate Anxin Investment privately. After the other party sent the email, he just went to Tianfu to eat, drink and have fun. Eat, drink and have fun?

It’s interesting!

An Liang: You inform the other party and arrange to meet in the afternoon. By the way, the other party is now Where?

Qin Tianxiang: In the Long and Short Alleys.

An Liang: Is it the Long and Short Alleys? Let the other party wait at the Jinxiu Teahouse.

Qin Tianxiang: Okay, received.

Sanguan Zhiren who was wandering in the Long and Short Alleys was suddenly stopped by someone. Sanguan Zhiren was alert. Looking at the other party, he asked in Xia Guoyu,"Hello, are you okay?""

"Our boss has agreed to what you want to discuss and is waiting at the Jinxiu Teahouse in front."Zhu Kun from Renyi Security Company said quickly.

Sanguan Naoto was stunned for a moment, and then quickly responded,"Okay."

Zhu Kun didn't respond and left directly. He was only responsible for informing Naoto in charge.

When Zhu Kun left, Hiroga Kozaburo asked,"Section Chief, do we really want to go?""

".䢋certainly! Sanguan Naoto responded,"This is the safest way.""

After Sanguan Naoto responded to Hiroga Kozaburo, he began to ask for directions to find the Jinxiu Teahouse.

It was close to three o'clock in the afternoon.

In the Jinxiu Teahouse, Sanguan Naoto ordered a cup of tea and spent time in the teahouse like an ordinary tourist. He had already After waiting for more than an hour, Sanguan Naoto was not anxious at all.

After waiting for another hour, Anliang finally appeared. He went directly to Sanguan Naoto's table.

Sanguan Naoto and Hōga Kozaburo both stood up and greeted,"Ansang, good afternoon. An

Liang waved his hand,"I don't like the way you neon people are, just call me An Liang.""

"Please sit down, Mr. An. What would you like to drink?"Sanguan Naoto changed his name. Through one title, he judged that An Liang did have (Li's Zhao) ill intentions towards Neon.

Anliang naturally understood Sanguan Naoto's temptation, and he had no intention of hiding it, okay?


It should be An Xin Investment companies have shown their malice towards Neon all the time, so what need is there to hide it?

An Liang greeted Dr. Tea and ordered a cup of Longjing tea.

Then he asked straight to the point,"What do you want from me? I remember I just sent your colleagues home last week. Do you want free tickets too?"

Facing An Liang's ridicule, Sanguan Naoto responded slightly awkwardly,"Mr. An, we just want to talk."

"What's there to talk about?"An Liang is deliberately making things difficult.

If he really doesn't want to talk, An Liang won't come over at all. Now that he's over, he can talk, and now it's nothing more than making things difficult._

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