Jinxiu Teahouse.

An Liang deliberately made things difficult for San Guan Nao Ren, making San Guan Nao Ren quite embarrassed.

Naturally, Naoto Sanguan knew that An Liang was just deliberately making things difficult. He took out a document from his briefcase and handed it to An Liang,"Mr. An, take a look at this document first." An Liang took the document. This document was a color printed document. This is the situation at the car accident scene of Team 2 of the 4th Investigation Section of the Overseas Affairs Division of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau.

The file records the circumstances of this car accident in detail, including information that all four members of the second team died on the spot, as well as the content of their missions.

After An Liang finished reading the document, he folded the document and placed it on the coffee table. Dr. Tea just happened to bring Longjing tea, and An Liang placed the teacup on top of the document.

"Do you doubt me?"Anliang asked.

Before Sanguan Naoto could answer, Anliang continued,"They just set out to investigate me, and then they encountered a car accident, and all of them died on the spot. It's normal for you to doubt me."

"but! An Liang reminded him,"Did you overlook a detail?"

The third officer hesitated,"What details?""

"These four investigators had just set off, and a car accident occurred within a few minutes of each other. Don't you think there is a problem?"Anliang asked back.

Sanguan Naoto fell into silence.

Anliang continued to analyze,"Let's make an assumption first. If this matter is indeed arranged by me, then you can analyze, how can I realize this matter?"

The third manager Naoto continued to analyze according to An Liang's logic,"If it is really arranged by Mr. An, then Mr. An must know the news in advance and know the time when the first team left the Intelligence Investigation Bureau, especially the previous condition, that is Necessary prerequisites"

"If you don't even know the news, you naturally can't arrange this attack, because if you arrange an attack, you must first know the corresponding information, and you also know that they want to investigate your information. Only then can you arrange the attack. Sanguan Naoto continues his analysis

"As for the departure time of the first group, anti-C can be obtained through various channels, which is only a minor condition."Naoto Sanguan continued his analysis.

Knowing the departure time of the first group, whether it is through the parking lot security monitoring system of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau or by sending people to monitor the entrance and exit of the parking lot, the corresponding purpose can be achieved.

An Liang nodded in agreement. ,"Yes, your analysis is very accurate, so a new question arises!"

"The new problem is that Mr. An, you have placed an insider in our Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau or other departments that have access to the Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, and this insider has access to relevant intelligence from the Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, thus revealing the intelligence to you, You plan your car crash attack in advance."Sanguan Naoto then analyzed

"In fact, the investigation against you this time should be a matter of the Investigation Section of our Ministry of Economic Affairs, but we had some unpleasantness in Xia State, so we transferred the case to the Intelligence Investigation Bureau."Sanguan Naoto explained.

"Cases in the Intelligence and Investigation Bureau have always been arranged in a single line. The deputy director of the Intelligence and Investigation Bureau assigns tasks. If you are an overseas personnel, you will be handed over directly to the relevant person in charge of the Overseas Affairs Department, who will then assign it to the corresponding investigation section. Finally, the investigation section will The leaders are assigned to the corresponding groups, and the entire task is a single-line operation."Naoto Sanguan introduced the situation.

This is the basic operation mode of the intelligence agency. It is not classified as confidential information, so it can be said naturally.

"Because it is a single-line operation, the probability of problems occurring at the Intelligence and Investigation Bureau is very low. After all, whether it is the deputy director of the Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, the head of the Overseas Affairs Department, or the head of the corresponding investigation section, they all have a single line of contact. Once something goes wrong, it is very easy to be investigated."Sanguan Naoto continued.

This kind of analysis was close to what An Liang wanted to express, so Anliang looked at Sanguan Naoto with a half-smile. Sanguan

Naoto's face was a little ugly,"Now the Intelligence Investigation Bureau will investigate Mr. An's case. The case was transferred back to the Investigation Division of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and we were asked to investigate this case personally. This means that the Intelligence and Investigation Bureau is testing us, which means that the Intelligence and Investigation Bureau is suspecting that we are moles."

Sangui Naoto originally thought that the Intelligence Bureau really didn't want to investigate such an economic case. They were just too lazy to work as thugs for the Ministry of Economy. But now after analysis, it seems that they clearly suspected that Sangui Naoto was a mole.

So the clown It turned out to be Naoto Sanguan himself?

Naoto Sanguan took a deep breath, reorganized his thoughts, and analyzed the whole thing from beginning to end.

If it was An Liang who targeted the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau, according to logical reasoning, then Naoto Sanguan really It is An Liang's accomplice who provided information for An Liang.

Otherwise, from what channel did An Liang obtain the information?

In addition, San Guan Nao Ren had investigated An Liang and came to Tianfu to investigate An Liang in person. In this situation, San Guan Nao Ren was Possibility of being bribed by An Liang.

In view of the above analysis, and because Naoto No. 3 refused to participate in the investigation of An Liang, Naoto No. 3’s suspicion level skyrocketed!

"Yes, Your Excellency, Section Chief Naoto No. 3, you are the mole!"An Liang looked at Naoto Sanguan with a smile.

Looking at the smiling Anliang, Naoto Sanguan felt chills all over his body, because if Anliang revealed that he was An Liang's insider, Naoto Sanguan would be dead!_

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