Near eleven o'clock in the evening, An Liang received Yao Qi's message.

An Liang was not worried about Yao Qi being in danger, because An Liang also arranged security personnel from Renyi Security Company for Yao Qi.

Yao Qi: Group photo

Yao Qi: Do you regret it?

An Liang:?

An Liang: What?

Yao Qi: This is Chen Meng, do you not recognize her?

An Liang: Who is that?

Yao Qi:...

Yao Qi: You don’t even know the big stars?

An Liang: Do I need to know him?

An Liang: Let me tell you, she is not as good-looking as you. Also, I think her nose is unnatural, you know?

Yao Qi: Your requirements are really high!

An Liang: So have you finally reached an agreement?

Yao Qi: Well, everything goes well. Our Chunshen Weaving House will be the costume provider for the movie"A Thousand Years of Dreams", providing costumes for the male and female leads.

An Liang: No. 2 gave up?

Yao Qi: There is no second male lead or second female lead. This"Millennium Dream" is a bit like a time-travel drama. It is probably about the heroine played by Chen Meng who always dreams about herself in her previous life. It is almost a boring movie like this.

An Liang:...

An Liang: Fortunately, the other director didn't know what you were thinking, otherwise he would be so angry?

Yao Qi: I’m just telling you.

Yao Qi: I'm going to take a shower first. I'm too tired today. I want to go to bed early. I have to go to the exhibition tomorrow.

An Liang: You really work hard!

The next day, nine o'clock in the morning.

An Liang sent Yao Qi to the exhibition site again, but he still did not stay at the site. Instead, he returned to Anxin Investment Company, where he found Chang Shi.

An Liang took Chang Shi back to the office. In the office, An Liang asked,"Teacher Chang, what would you like to drink?"

Chang Shi responded,"Mineral water will do."

This choice was the same as last time.

An Liang brought the mineral water to Chang Shi, and he took the initiative to speak,"Teacher Chang, I would like to ask, if we want to take matters against Baosheng in Da'ao, how should we deal with it?"

"Targeting Australia?"Changshi hesitates

"Um!"An Liang nodded.

"If we target the country of Da'ao, our success rate is relatively low. The situation of Da'ao is much better than that of Baosheng, and their resources are very rich."Chang Shi responded.

An Liang added,"We don't need to target the entire country of Australia. We only need to find the microeconomic system in the macroeconomics to target a certain economic weakness of the other party."

"Okay, let me first review the situation in Australia."Chang Shi responded

"Well, yes, Teacher Chang, I’ll leave this matter to you, but don’t stop with Baosheng’s affairs."An Liang added.

Chang Shi said with a sigh,"Things in Bao Province can't be stopped even if they want to. The environment there has further deteriorated. It's not just us who are targeting them, but also the surrounding Neon Kingdom, Corea, and Southern Dynasty. The country, as well as Southeast Asia, have all united to target Bao Province."

"Um? An Liang was confused,"Why are these people joining in the fun?""

"They're not helping, they're trying to cause chaos."Chang Shi explained.

After thinking about it for a moment, An Liang understood what these people meant. They not only wanted to beat up the drowned dog, but also wanted to cause trouble for Xia Guo.

"If they want to make trouble, they can make trouble. Someone will tell the truth. We have nothing to do with Baosheng's affairs."An Liang explained.

Chang Shi sighed silently.

"By the way, Teacher Chang, if you have any ideas about Da'ao, please contact me immediately."An Liang added

"OK"Chang Shi responded.

Chang Shi's current thoughts are very simple. Once he enters the mortal world, he will be a cruel person!

Be it Bao Province or Da'ao Country, if it is time to be ruthless, then be ruthless.

At two o'clock in the afternoon.

An Liang received Leno In Lenore's reply, there were photos of Lenore's life as always. She took photos of An Liang at the beach, and said that she gave An Liang a bottle of wine as a gift so that An Liang could have time to go to the western half of the imperial capital. Pick it up at the embassy.

Let’s talk about a little trivia: the Spanish wine production is almost close to that of France, but France is not the country with the largest wine production, but the country with the best attitude.

An Liang looked at the email in which Lenore was standing on the beach, and he showed With a smile, this little princess is still as pure and pure as before..........,.....0

An Liang did not continue to reply to Lenore's emails, because even if An Liang replied to emails, Lenore would not reply to emails again. Lenore had said before that her mother only allowed her to send one email a week.

It was approaching 5 p.m.

An Liang received a call from Yao Qi,"An Liang, are you free now?"

"Um? An Liang was confused,"What's going on?""

"The exhibition here is over, and I’m going to go back to the Magic City directly. Yao Qi responded

"Don't you want to stay and take a look?"An Liang asked back.

"No, don’t you have a test tomorrow?"Yao Qi seemed to be asking a rhetorical question, but this was not a rhetorical question.

An Liang sighed,"Did you buy the ticket?"

"Well, I’ve already booked a flight at 7:30 in the evening, so I’m going to rush there now. You..."Yao Qi hesitated.

An Liang answered,"I'll come over and take you there now!"

"Thanks." Yao Qi responded.

In fact, Yao Qi didn't want An Liang to send him away. She just wanted to see An Liang again. Even if she knew An Liang was a bastard, she couldn't help but want to see An Liang. _

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